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Wednesday 12 December 2012

Win! A Polka Dot Dress from Lady Vintage

On the 8th day of Christmas, Domestic Sluttery gave to me... a pretty polka dot dress from Lady Vintage!

There's nothing better than wearing festive red at Christmas so today we're giving away this gorgeous red polka dot dress from Lady Vintage! It's absolutely perfect for swishing about in while you run around handing out presents and pretending to be Mrs Claus. (Where do we get a sleigh from?)

Want to win this beautiful dress? Just tell us what you'll be wearing on Christmas day. Do you get all dressed up? Or are you more of a slippers and onesie wearer? Do Slankets count as clothing? Leave us a comment below.

Want an extra entry? Just retweet the following:

Hey @DomesticSluts, I want to win a polka dot dress from @LadyVLondon! #DomesticSlutteryChristmas

You've got until midnight tonight to enter and then we'll pick a winner at random and announce in tomorrow's competition.

Wondering who won yesterday competition for a bottle of Chase Marmalade vodka? That was Badmissk! What's she drinking on Christmas day? "Prosecco and Goldschlager - it has a lovely cinnamony Christmas smell with Bonus!Glitter! A glittery Christmas cocktail." Sounds yummy. Badmissk (we suspect this isn't your real name), just email us and tell us where to send your prize.

Good luck today everyone!

Oh yawn, small print (read it). The competition will close at midnight (UK time) December 12th. You must be UK based to enter, sorry you lovely overseas readers. If you're anon your entry won't count and if you enter more than once, we'll discount all of your entries and tell you off. The winning entry will be chosen at random and you must claim your prize by the 14th or it'll be passed to someone else. The prize we've shown is a red polka dot dress which goes up to a size 22. Lady Vintage will do everything they can to supply this dress in your size but if this isn't available, you'll get to choose another dress. What are we wearing on Christmas day? We don't intend to get out of our pajamas any time before new year.


  1. A red dress:-) From Banana Republic, not Lady Vintage, but I do have one LV dress, a black one.

  2. I'm going to spend the whole day in a silk-lined midnight blue velvet dressing gown that makes me look like Oscar Wilde on a really bad day. But who cares, it's Christmas!

  3. I'm going classic this Christmas, a black pencil skirt, red Rudolph jumper and some black heels.

    ...Well, thats for Christmas Lunch anyway. As soon as I'm home it'll jumping into my Christmas PJs and snuggling with some mulled cider!

  4. I'll be wearing my favourite vaguely christmasy jumper from topshop. It has Hot Pink Robots on it ^.^

  5. I usually make a bit of an effort, but unfortunately this year I may be going into work in the afternoon depending on circumstances :(

  6. I'll be wearing my multi coloured stripey pants from Peru for as long as possible until I need to get changed for the family party in the evening. Then I may put on respectable clothes, possibly even a dress, but probably a jacket and jeans. Christmas is all about comfort.

  7. I'm going for the frock that you lot made me buy for my birthday present to myself, the dark red Warehouse one with the mesh back. We 'kind of' dress up - it needs to be comfy enough to accommodate the inevitable food babies we will all be pregnant with by 4pm.

  8. Cashmere jumper, cashmere tights, and a rosy glow from mulled wine!

  9. Slipper boots (obvs), red christmassy PJs and hopefully a brand new extra long dressing gown from santa. Additional plastic bags over said slippers when we go to the neighbours for champagne after lunch!

  10. We'll be travelling on Christmas day, so I'll be wearing a bright red vintage hooded cape and furry boots. Think little red riding hood!

  11. I attempt to wear a nice dress, but it usually devolves into me curling up on couch under a fleece blanket.

  12. After suffering from severe PND and PTSD last Christmas, I'm going all out this year! I've bought a lovely M&S 'drop a dress size' dress and I'm going to be wearing that and my highest heels to celebrate being back to my old self.

  13. I tend to start the day dressed up in a pretty vintage dress- and then by the end of the day, gently sozzled on sloe gin, I'm wearing layers of jumpers, Christmas hats and all my new socks, collapsed in the corner burbling about elves.

  14. I always dress up for Christmas! This year, if not the Lady Vintage dress, a multi striped tiered skirt number will be the order of the day!

  15. I will be wearing a gold sparkle dress to match the tree decorations but with my slipper socks hidden underneath ;) x

  16. a snuggly sert of pyjamas and fluffy slippers until dinner time and then change into a fitted green dress with my new black kitten heels.

  17. I have bought a new sparkly jumper and will wearing my classic grey trousers and a new colourful Butler and Wilson neckkace

  18. Being from Finland we do Christmas on Christmas Eve, so on the 25th I am planning to be cosy in my woolly socks, pyjamas and my blue polkadot bathrobe which my husband gave me for my birthday. It is THE softest, warmest thing ever, perfect for snuggling up on the sofa.

  19. I'll be wearing my red onesie but with Jimmy Choos. I'm all for comfort but always wear beautiful shoes!! Who said you can't classy up a onesie. If I win the dress then I'll wear that for Christmas Eve!

  20. I'm going to be wearing my bargain 99p ASOS dress from eBay. Noone will know......

  21. I have bought myself a lovely Vivienne of Holloway day dress for Christmas day in bright bright green. Which I shall struggle out of my brushed cotton jim jams into around 11 am and wear with fabulous sparkly red shoes. I should manage until Dr Who o'clock before returning to the PJs. This red dress would be perfect for doing the same on Boxing day!

  22. Fleece and flannel pjs for quite a while, followed by every sparkly item of clothing I own. Because it's important to look like the Christmas tree threw up on you.

  23. If it arrives, I'll be wearing a pretty black dress I bought off eBay :) First christmas with the in-laws and want to look nice! x

  24. One of the best parts of Christmas for me is a new Christmas Day outfit! This year, I've gone for smart-casual - a new black, sparkly jumper teamed with new jeans and kittens heels. I'm spending the day with my boyfriend's parents for the first time, so I don't think PJs would do!

  25. I shall be wearing a little black dress that I found in a charity shop. Its not very 'Christmassy' but I'll feel pretty. I'll be teaming this with a pair of leopard print slippers and tights :)

  26. Hello thats look gorgeous <3 i want one.

  27. Jeans, t-shirt and my glasses. Christmas day is a time for my mild mannered alter-ego.

  28. That dress, with any luck! Otherwise, it's jimjams all the way.

  29. Probably just my pjs once my three little cupcakes wake up on Christmas morning there will be no time to get dressed until about lunch time, by that time it's almost bedtime so I'll probably just throw on a cardi to make it look like I've made an effort hehe xx

  30. I may not have quite the beautiful Downton Abbey style dresses they wear on the show, but a lovely white vintage style dress depicting children playing in the garden and long lacey black gloves...but with this cold weather it may not be long till I wrap a comfy cardy over the top! So I may not as elegant as the Downton ladies, but the idea is there!

  31. Want! I will be spending Christmas wearing jeans, a cosy jumper, slippers and a blissed out expression from all the wonderful food my mother in law plies us with. Mmmmmm.

  32. My air hostess uniform, as I'm working Christmas Day!! :(

  33. Gorgeous! I always dress up for Christmas, bright red lipstick and everything. Usually it's a swishy dress and thick tights with comfy slippers. As kids, me and my brother were never allowed to open presents in our jammies. Mum would always make us get ready and brush teeth, brush hair etc. Hated it when I was little, but love making an effort now!

  34. I've just finished making my first dress. So I'll be wearing that with my jammies on underneath!

  35. I want to lie. I want to tell you that I will be wearing something glamorous. But the truth is, I got my first festive onesie (aka the Mummygro) in 2007 and we now wear nothing else on Christmas Day. I do jam my Ugg boots over it to drive to Mum's... but that's all.

  36. a dress and warm tights. and if we get a white christmas my furry snow boots aswell.

  37. I bought an amazing monsoon fusion dress very cheap from an outlet a few months ago, goldy bronzey lace with a black skirt and a black peter pan collar that I will be wearing in the evening as we dress up (benefit to having 2 christmas dinners to go to with different sides of the family) but in the day I will probably slum it in uggs and a christmas jumper dress. I do however need to get a christmas outfit for my pug sorted, pretty sure he needs to be a reindeer with antlers this year!

  38. I would love that dress it is soooooooo gorgeous. For christmas as I have just lost some baby weight I will be slipping back into my jeans along with a nice christmasy top for a quiet relaxed christmas at home with my husband, 5 children and mum x

  39. Black Polkadot dress, perfect for floating about, but also as its double layered great for hiding all the food babies!

  40. In the morning I will have my red Christmas PJ's on but for guests arriving I have a gorgeous red Skater dress and my silver sparkly shoes and obligatory Santa hat :)

  41. This Christmas, I shall be celebrating in Vivien of Holloway style with a halterneck circle dress, underskirt or two and a vintage do. I've yet to decide which dress but I'm leaning towards the sparkles to match the champagne!

  42. I've not bought a dress for Christmas yet, but I love dressing up on Christmas day. Either a really beautiful dress like that one, or a cosy winter one with thick tights. When I was younger, I always wanted to wear Belle's outdoor winter dress from Beauty and the Beast. Impractical for cooking, though!

  43. I like to get a bit dressed up at Christmas but not too OTT - although I'm struggling this year. Since 2007 I've been either pregnant or breastfeeding over Christmas, and lord knows what's happened to all my non-baby clothes, I can't find them anywhere. So I may be forced to stay in my PJs this year after all!

  44. What a beautiful dress! We always start Christmas day in pyjamas for breakfast and stocking-opening, and then we try to make a bit of an effort - nothing fancy, but we dress up a bit! I might wear my Oasis robin dress this year. I got it for Christmas last year and had to put it on immediately!

  45. Last year I wore a 1980s vintage red velvet party dress, but this year I'm hoping to wear a super retro penguin or reindeer jumper with jeans a big woolly socks!

  46. I'll be wearing a red Christmas jumper with mistletoe on the front, denim shorts and sparkly grey tights. I love silly Christmas outfits - it's a chance to dress up like a beribboned present!

  47. This dress is amazing! :) I was planning on wearing a vintage dress I own but would love to be decked out in this Lady Vintage dress. I adore it!!

  48. Me and Mr J are both working on Christmas Day, but we'll be maintaining the festive spirit with me in a robin jumper and Mr J with a Christmas bandana (there's only so much flexibility for a chef!), but then on Boxing Day I'll be dressing up for a lovely family Christmas in a little black dress and super festive accessories (however, it is rather unlikely that Mr J will change out of his Santa suit onesie! Happy Christmas! x

  49. I'll be wearing midnight blue velvet tea dress with polka dot tights. With an apron covering the lot while I'm cooking... and slippers because our stone floor in the kitchen is boomin' freezing!

  50. i will be wearing a HUGE big smile, and very little else!! so to save the blushes of my family and friends please please please let me win this beautiful dress. ;)

  51. I'll be channelling Helena Bonham Carter as usual and staggering around in a gin fuelled state of iniquity in ripped up Victoriana with my unbrushed hair shoved under a lopsided Santa hat. If I go outside it'll also involve striped knee high socks and my beloved DM Triumphs, but I suspect I won't be seen outdoors until it's all over.

  52. I always pack a selection of outfits for Christmas day...then feel very reluctant to wear anything except my PJs.

    But, if I win this dress, I will go for FULL ON CHRISTMAS FABULOSITY and be sipping my breakfast champagne in red polka dots, with black patent Mary Jane's, plenty of lipstick and a big grin.

  53. Something with an elastic waist so I can get as much Christmas dinner in me as possible!

  54. I'll be in my bra and Christmas knickers unless I win this dress!!!

  55. I will celebrate twice. Will be all sexy and glamorous at Christmas Eve, just with my partner, and something classy and christmassy on Christmas Day with the family. And later on in the eve some mulled wine and massive christmas jumper, and slippers!

  56. Well now, hopefully it will be this dress! Alternative is a cute jumper dress that has plenty of stretch factor :)

  57. On Christmas day I will be wearing a new black dress from Baukjen which is my gift from my mum. More to the point, I'll be wearing it with my nan's jewellery because I miss her every year <3 x Ellie x

  58. Christmas for me is all about the coze, and although Christmas colours of red green and gold are always employed the time for pretty party dresses on the day has long passed for me. On Christmas day this year I plan to rock an oversized men's wooly jumper and jeans. My underwear will quietly be blowing your mind. Red silk mimi holliday bra and my green Am Ap onesie. Oh The coze. I am the queen of the cozy.

  59. Elasicated trousers (so that I can eat as much dinner as humanly possible), and some lightup santa earrings.

    Please save me from the fashion police by donating this dress! It would help my diet too ;)

  60. Are there really people who are that organised they know what they are wearing on Christmas day? I only realised today that it is less than two weeks til the big day and I hadn't even sorted the turkey out, or started wrapping anything, let alone finished buying pressies. In fact I don't even have any paper. My Christmas outfit will be the first thing I pull out of the wardrobe, but I may just pull out a skirt, seeing its a special occasion, otherwise it'll be just another day of jean wearing.

  61. We've all decided to wear a selection of kitsch (gaudy) christmas jumpers this year! My fiances is my favourite it's Rudolph with a red woollen pompom for a nose!

  62. We always dress up a little bit for Christmas day - as it's just the OH and me, we try to make a bit of an effort for each other, so I'll pop on favourite dress and heels, he'll pop on a Christmas jumper...

  63. We're not really a dressing-up kind of family so it will probably be jeans and a christmas jumper for me this year. And I might even replace the jeans with something with an elasticated waist. This dress would be great to wear to my birthday party (which is a few days after Xmas) though.

  64. Well Christmas Eve I well having a mini Christmas/present opening session with my lovely boyfriend, which will prob be in bed, and wearing very little :D Christmas day will be with the family, so I'm going to wear a black swishy dress with tinsel tied around my waist/in my hair (and not forgetting the cat apron to cover it while I rustle up the turkey!)

  65. I love that dress, I want, I want.

    Something comfy, but with a hint of glamour. And then a full length apron as I am the messiest cook around.

  66. I had a baby 3 weeks ago so I shall be wearing whatever fits me in my wardrobe! Perhaps a bed sheet? Or a curtain? Or a pretty red polka dot dress that will make me look curvy & gorgeous rather than fat & frumpy?!

  67. I'll be up in North Wales, it will be cold, so I'm more interested in being warm than glamorous! Thermal underwear and lots of layers will be the order of the day and I might even have to break out a blanket. I will rely on some pretty make-up and red lippy to keep me from looking too slovenly though :)

  68. I'll be dressing up this year in a gold and black dress havibg list lits of weight i want to show off a bit ;-)

    1. I meant lost lots. Lol. Silly small keyboard on my phone ;-)

  69. I love to get all dressed up for christmas day and wear something festive. If I win this dress I shall be certain to wear it, if not it will have to be this other lovely skater style dress in wine colour.

  70. Probably a nice dress with slippers, perfect combination :)

  71. I will be wearing a pretty frock from Poppy Valentine. It's made in the UK and she used to have a lovely shop in Norwich, so it's all about supporting local independents. Nothing to do with my slight obsession for vintage dresses. Ahem...

  72. I think I will wear a silk dress from Planet, definitely a dress.

  73. Something that says "I just threw this on because I'm so busy taking care of my family" when really I spent 3 days trying on everything I own..

  74. I dont really get dressed up as Im too busy cooking and spilling everything all over me so there's not much point! Usually too knackered to get changed!If I win he can cook and I'll wear the dress :)

  75. I'll be wearing a smile and red wine stains on my lips, probably paired with a stripy dress and novelty slippers.

  76. Fancy a bit of glamour this year, so I'll be wearing a gold and black sparkly dress. A red and white polka dot dress would be splendid as an alternative....

  77. OMG! comes in a size 20.... It would make a change from a T shirt and a pinny!

  78. I'll be wearing a black wiggle dress that I've lost six stone to get into! :D I'm very proud of myself and excited to enjoy Christmas knowing a fine old time at the sales is just around the corner!!

  79. On Christmas Day itself I will be wearing thermals, layers of clothing and a furry hat as our Christmas lunch is always a hot picnic at a picturesque lake in North Wales with family and our dog out of the back of a Land Rover. If it snows it's even better because we can go sledging. I dress up for Boxing Day instead, this year will be a Lindey Bop red fitted 50's style dress.

  80. Christmas day is going to be a funny one this year - my dad's ill so he hasn't been able to fly over from Greece, and because we left it so late to book flights we're going over there on Boxing Day, so not really sure when we'll be celebrating it... But I do have a 'uniform' for Christmas Day, however: pretty dress (jumper dress if necessary), with a bit of sparkle in my hair and a pair of massive slipper socks! Just bought a gorgeous emerald 50s full circle dress from a vintage fair, so that might get its first outing... I also recently got a tiger onesie from Primark, which is the most comfortable thing in the world, but sadly I think my mum would refuse to give me any lunch if I tried to get away with that one!

  81. I'll be wearing something that'll disguise the food baby I'll no doubt develop after gorging on all the noms! Unfortunately, I do have to get out of my PJs because I'm going visiting on Christmas morning, but I haven't got as far as choosing an actual outfit yet.

  82. I plan to wear my cow print onesie, fluffy bear hat and matching fluffy slippers, the hat will be substituted for a Santa hat while opening gifts and the obligatory Christmas cracker hat will be worn during dinner. Then it'll be right back to the bear hat!

  83. I want to be wearing this dress pretty please! It's so pretty, and I love LadyV Clothes! Kx

  84. I always end up wearing this lovely mohair black jumper dress, its the warmest cuddliest thing in the world yet just has just the right about of 'it's christmas and I'm making an effort' so I get to look just a tad classy whilst scoring the sprouts
    This dress would be beautiful though

  85. Well last year I was wearing skanky old mismatched pyjamas when my boyfriend unexpectedly proposed after we opened our presents, so this year I am going to be slightly more glam by wearing matching pyjamas this time, and maybe even running a brush through my hair!

  86. A paper hat and a mixture of baby snot and milk. A lovely dress would definitely make me 100% happier : )

  87. We may be having a quiet day at home with the cats, but I plan to wear fancy dresses from the Mimosa breakfast onwards, changing for presents, for preparing dinner, and for eating dinner. All teamed with comfy slippers.

  88. I have a knitted dress from monsoon which is lovely but not as lovely as this little beauty.

  89. I'll be wearing a vintage 1950's scarlet satin dress with black polka dot sheer overlay, finished with a full black petticoat. Can't beat a bit of vintage glamour at Christmas! :)

  90. A tastefully tacky Christmas jumper with a Christmas Pudding on the front, a vintage blouse underneath and Christmas Pudding nails! :D

  91. I'm heading to my folks house in Brum. I'm going to wear something slinky in Jade or Emerald. It will match me as I'll be green with envy as my mum has just had her kitchen rebuilt on a massive scale, including blue scandinavian granite work tops, an amazing stainless steel double fridge with ice dispenser and freezer drawers, under floor heating, belfast sink and french doors to patio. In that frock I could feel fabulous and pretend it's my kitchen.

  92. Onesies for all the family till just before lunch time, then for Christmas dinner all the family get dress up, lots of lovely dresses for the ladies and shirts and ties for the men. If i'm spending hours cooking the least everyone can do is put a pretty frock on. Although the husband usually insists on a Christmas hat and apron to carve the turkey lol

  93. PJs, before getting wrapped up for the Christmas walk down the river, before getting back into PJs to slob about on the sofa :-)

  94. I plan on wearing a nice dress, but as I'll be feeding my two month old baby for most of my waking hours (!), I'll sure I'll end up spending the day in Rudolph slippers, leggings and a milk-covered vest top =D

  95. Onesies for all the family till just before lunch time, then for Christmas dinner all the family get dress up, lots of lovely dresses for the ladies and shirts and ties for the men. If i'm spending hours cooking the least everyone can do is put a pretty frock on. Although the husband usually insists on a Christmas hat and apron to carve the turkey lol

  96. this christmas i will be the prettiest woman in the world! last year i was wearing for 3 days my pyjama, because my boyfriend broked up at holy night. so,...thats why i will be the prettiest woman this year at christmas. let me win this cute dress!

  97. Well, for the past eleven years it has been PJ's, because I have been raising my four children during that time and it never seemed worth going to lots of effort to be covered in food and less pleasant substances! Also one of the children born very close to Christmas and at various times one of us has been ill for the festive season, etc etc. However, this year I am going to break with tradition and wear something lovely, will make me feel good and surprise my husband and family no end :-D

  98. I shall throw back my silk sheets and glide gracefully down to a beautiful breakfast of smoked salmon and champagne, whilst wearing the most darling maribu slippers. I shall then select a beautiful Oscar de la Renta gown and vintage faux fur wrap. I will descend the staircase looking like Ginger Rogers and my partner will sweep me into a timeless waltz around the 10ft tree, glittering with lights like a million christmas stars, as the children gaze on, clapping gleefully, pink cheeked and bright eyed... oh who the hell am I kidding - I'll be woken at 6am by a crazy four yr old, stumble downstairs to find the cat has eaten most of the tree decorations and been sick on the carpet. As for an outfit, I'd quite like this gorgeous red polka dot dress that I've seen...

  99. Blue pyjamas all day! O.K. - so I do work in an operating theatre. Would be lovely to swish home in this pretty though.

  100. I'm really hoping Santa has heard my pleas so that I'll be wearing a lovely Lady V frock on Christmas day, but just in case he's been deaf to the hints can I win this one??? ;-)

  101. My boyfriend doesn't know it yet, but we will be wearing matching monogrammed pyjamas. I think that'll strike a nice balance between cuddly comfort and magnificent class.

  102. i will be wearing this very red polka dot dress if i win it!! failing that it will be my black dotty dress and bow minnie mouse style and red shoes then changing into my wellies to go up and visit family on the farm they live on! xxx

  103. I'll be wearing a velvet skirt & the cosiest sweater I can find!

  104. We always get dressed up for Christmas so I've ordered a beautiful lacy red dress especially for Christmas and my birthday, although this LV dress would be pretty perfect too! xx

  105. Wow, that dress is gorgeous! I'm off to Costa Rica to hang out with my in-laws (and ALL my husband's extended family), so I'll be in a nice summery dress, and trying to look nice and make a good impression. And possibly trying, and failing, to get a tan.

  106. Always dress up on Christmas Day for dinner with the family, PJ's until about 11.30 while we have smoked salmon and eggs with Bucks Fizz then change into a little black dress, well it's a 50's number with a circle skirt and a ruffled petticoat. Best heels on and my good jewellry for a late dinner with the family at 4pm. Rock On!

  107. Anything I get bought for Christmas that is wearable must be worn. Them's the rules!
    So probably some new undies and, if the Boy has done his homework properly, a jumper dress that I've been craving (snuggly but glam - the perfect Christmas combo)!

  108. Well, funny story. I'm actually missing Christmas Day because I'm flying home to New Zealand on Christmas Eve and arriving on Boxing Day because the International Date Line eats a day when you visit NZ. So I guess I'll either be wearing nothing or whatever I wear on the flight. Which will be comfy trousers, cosy hoody and fuzzy socks.

  109. I always theme-dress on Christmas Day because I'm my family's Christmas fairy! (Everyone else is a grinch without me around to get things festive). This year I'll be wearing a black jumper dress, my black/grey snowflake print tights and my red penguin print cardigan with a red glitter bow in my hair and red glitter nails to match!

  110. I am wearing the christmas jumper to end all christmas jumpers. It has detachable stockings and SLEEVE POCKETS!

  111. I do get all dressed up for Christmas Day, and I've not decided on which outfit to wear this year, not yet :) maybe a black dress and high heels, red lips and curly hair :) but if I win this dress, I'll wear it this Christmas ALL Christmas :)

  112. Will be wearing something very comfy like leggings and a tunic top with a sparkly cardi. Need something with some give in it to make room for the 5 bird roast that my brother-in-law has ordered this year and my incredible (oh how modest lol) Christmas pud.
    Merry Christmas to you all xxx

  113. That'll be PJs and my M&S dressing gown until the presents have been opened - and hopefully one of those parcels will be a lovely new frock for the rest of the day!

  114. I would like to dress up but as hubby is on call and family are all elsewhere I shall probably spend the day in our new PJ's that Santa will deliver early on Christmas Eve, but wearing my LV dress to a christmas doo this weekend.

  115. A blue/greenish peter pan collar dress from House of Fraser! I love dressing up for christmas and new year's. Makes it feel extra special. I might go for a nice classic christmas jumper on top though :D

  116. As I'm hosting Christmas and will be doing all the cooking, plus the fact that I had a baby three months ago, I'll be wearing a black breast-feeding top, black velvet tracksuit bottoms, and bare feet. A waistline, I has it not...

  117. It's my first Christmas with the love of my life so I imagine I will be wearing not much more than a smile :)

  118. This year my boyfriend and I , and my brother and his wife will be wearing christmas jumpers. Although my sister in law will probably get her slanket out too (she has 3!)
    I'm making my christmas pudding jumper with felt this weekend!


  119. It WOULD be PJs all day, but we're having Christmas at my sister's this year, so instead, something dressy but not so much so that I can't go out for the all important country walk to work off some of the mountain of Christmas dinner that I will have eaten beforehand!

  120. There are several costume changes on Christmas Day..

    Act 1: Opening presents (PJs with bucks fizz in hand)
    Act 2: Tidying up present opening chaos & preparing Christmas lunch,(jeans & t-shirt & usually newly received slippers, sherry in hand)
    Act 3: Eating lunch (heels and black dress, with a glass of fizz in hand)
    Acct 4: Settle down to watch TV (back in PJs with a glass of Baileys)

  121. I have that pinned as my dream party dress. Its just wonderful.

    I'll actually be wearing a lady v dress for christmas day - I bought one of the new tea dresses for the occassion. Its the first year I've worn anything that isnt jeans and a jumper since becomming a grown up and I'm rather excited about the prospect of swishing around in a petticoat and resisting the urge to drink a snowball.

  122. i have my eye on some green&red striped elf-esque tights...

  123. Goodness, I haven't even thought about a Christmas Day outfit yet - although I suppose it will have to be a thing, as I'll be down south with my husband at his grandmother's. I do like to make a bit of an effort though.

  124. It's my first Christmas at home for a few years this year, so I'll be making an effort! Brand new Fairisle pyjamas for the morning, and a blue and white 'plate-print' tea dress from 18 and East for the rest of the day, paired with fluffy slippers, obviously...

  125. Being eight months pregnant, I should probably be wearing the Santa costume this year, jiggling my belly like a bowl full of jelly.

    But I've refused to give in to slobbery, and Ebayed myself a yummy Tiffany Rose peacock maternity dress. Of course, some Chrimbo tackery is compulsory, so I'll likely offset the glamour with flashing Christmas tree earrings that play Silent Night at high pitch and speed when you press the star at the top. Not forgetting my tasteful red Christmas knickers with fluffy white bobbles.

    Duly decked out, all I'll want for Christmas is something suitable to incentivise my post-birth weight-loss - like a scarlet and white polka dot vintage dress...

  126. One christmas we all dressed up as characters from Faulty Towers. I like to have a theme each christmas. One year my mum was going through a reversible waistcoat phase (making them), which we were subjected to wearing. This year I am planning to buy face paints for my nephew so I am thinking of going for leopard print.......and face to match!

  127. Love the dress! I shall be wearing my 50s vintage style circle dress, love getting dressed up for christmas with the family

  128. Doing the cooking for the first time this year so the most essential thing I'll be wearing is an apron! Think I will bust out my flamenco style apron from Spain: black with red polka dots, frills, layers - I love a bit of glamour in a pinny!

  129. I always dress up for Christmas day! This year I will be wearing a slinky number with modest shoulder pads with buttons on them - hard to describe but think 'sexy air hostess'. I'm wearing it to my Christmas do but being a single parent, I can only afford one Christmas outfit even working full-time. If I won the polka dot dress though, I would wear that and probably never want to take it off #inlove. And I always start out with heels but usually end up in fluffy slippers - which make me slip n slide when the dancing on the kitchen table starts *hic* Happy festivities everyone!

  130. I'm wearing a Betty Page butterfly dress I love to get dressed up. Can't wait

  131. I will be sexing up the Church of England (that'll learn them for not wanting girly Bishops!). This will involve singing in a sequinned gold dress with bright red heels... good Vicar's daughter!

  132. I always dress up for Christmas day-it is a time of celebration and as such I want to feel that I am looking my best! I have my trusty halterneck circle dress that I always wear, it is a flattering cut and because it is high waisted it has the added advantage that when I am feeling podged after raiding the chocs one too many times it doesn't feel tight!

  133. I always dress up for Christmas Day. I'll probably be wearing a green 50s swing dress which I got from Lady Vintage earlier in the year to wear to a friend's wedding.

    Love this spotty dress, looks gorgeous!

  134. id love to say a glam dress bit probably leggings and jumper!!!

  135. This comment has been removed by the author.

  136. I will be wearing my new Labyrinth pyjamas until the very last second I have to (i.e., when my mum arrives), and then I will be wearing a totes adorbs cardigan with wee specs on it that I treated myself to in the House of Fraser sale with a cobalt racer skirt and them tights what look like stockings. Oh, and a paper crown from a cracker. Obviously.

    (Unless I have that dress in which case that's what I'll be wearing, with my red polka dot slippers that already match.)

  137. Possibly a pair of PJ's as I always get ill over the holidays! :(
    SO for once if I had a dress like this,snotty nose or not, I would look stunning and it would make me feel a lot better!!!

  138. I will be wearing a green fifties-style dress. If I won this red one, I could get changed half way through the day and wear all the Christmas colours!

  139. Big comfy pants to hold in all the festive fayre - and evening christmas tea *waistline explodes*

  140. The day starts with my red polka pyjama bottoms and my "I believe in Father Christmas" red T-Shirt. After dinner prep, presents and breakfast, I shall be sporting pink patterend wellies with red wellie warmers, jeans, big chunky jumper, jacket and any new winter accessories, and we'll take ourselves off over the hills with the dogs (mostly to walk off breakfast). Then it s back and changed into my Christmas Dinner outfit- this year it's a long deep navy maxi dress with diamante trim under the bust, full jewellery and my ever dependent fluffy slippers! Cannot wait!

  141. I will be wearing a maxi dress, loose enough to allow ample room for all the goose-fat potatoes I intend to eat. Over the top of that I will be wearing my apron as I make all the yummy Christmas food.

    (I am based in the Uk, just happen to be overseas a lot, 't'is my job!)

  142. I will be wearing all the awful clothes and jewellery that well-meaning relatives have given me, in front of same well-meaning relatives. The bonus, aside from making them feel appreciated, is it doesn't matter if I spill gravy or brandy butter in my lap. Unfortunately, it also tends to encourage more gifts of awful clothes the following year. The Christmas cycle continues, but it might all change if I win that dress!

  143. I'll be wearing my birthday suit for at least a few hours in the morning... then I will be respectable and put a swirly skirt and a sparkly top on, topped off by my favourite apron which has a semi naked male torso on. I think it works as a look!!

  144. I have a fabulous purple short-sleeved silky dress, gathered under the bust with a ruffle going down the front - courtesy of my lovely, lovely sis, Karen, who always chooses wise
    ly. xxx

  145. I'll be happily wearing my Christmas finest. It's a great opportunity to dress up!

  146. For Christmas dinner, a black dress - either flamenco or sparkly. For the rest of the day, thick leggings and a jumper fit for a Scandinavian detective. Or, if I'm lucky, I'll be wearing my Christmas present!

  147. Starting off in Spongebob pyjamas, moving on to maroon skater dress with yellow studded belt and tights. And my lovely m&s arm control contraption #bingowings

    amazing dress in larger sizes by the way!

  148. I shall be wearing nothing but tinsel and bows for my lucky other half to unwrap ^_^

  149. I always like wearing red on Christmas day :)

    So, I've got a red skater dress over leggings (got to be cosy)along with some daft fluffy socks and my Christmas knit style cardigan with red love hearts and white snowflakes on it.

    Of course, along with any gifts I'm given will get thrown on as the day goes on too!

  150. We always give eachother new PJs for I'll be wearing that. then when we go out to see the family, I guess i'll put on a thsirt and jeans. BUT that DRESS I would wear to church.. LOVE!!!

    marcia.furman @

  151. Since I don't have to entertain anyone this year,it will be me and my daughter cooking will be done inbetween watching christmas tv in my T-shirt and panties...merry christmas!

  152. Will dress up all sparkly for lunch, then as soon as the last mouth full of Christmas pud has gone down I'll be changing into a onesie and donning my fleece poncho, complete with hood. x

  153. a fancy dress and a slanket. covering all options.

  154. pj's all day with nice warm woolie socks ...........bliss

  155. D'you know, I hadn't yet thought about it! I now think I'll wear stripy jumper dress and leggings - can then layer up for a walk while lunch is on, or roll up my sleeves when prepping the sprouts!

  156. Dinosaur Pyjamas at little miss's request.

  157. Navy prom dress with diamante Westwood pearl choker, the more sparkle the better! :)

  158. An amazing Christmas jumper of some kind, possibly my pretty one with Rudpholf the red nosed reindeer on it, with my red full skirt skirt with bows and braces- possibly if they get here in time a pair of pink sparkely bunny ears!

  159. My nana always buys me a pretty party frock for Christmas so I never know what I'll actually be wearing until I open my presents on Christmas morning. She usually gets it spot on but there have been occasions when she has got it very wrong. But its only one day so I don't really mind.

  160. since losing four stone this year I have vowed to glam up at every available opportunity so I'll wearing my leopard print 'Grace' style dress by the amazing Call Me Betty Vintage, with a red Collectif cardi and some sparkly red heels, and of course a slash of bright red lippy to complete the look.x

  161. A slim-fitting tea-length lace dress in a luxurious shade of aubergine for the family, and a slinky black number complete with a scarlet bolero for an evening with the monsieur :-)

  162. Finding the cheesiest christmas jumpers that I can find and forcing my family into them in true christmas spirit style :)

  163. If it fits, the 20th Century Foxy wiggle dress that I am going to try on and hopefully buy tonight!!

  164. A black wool dress with gold trim and my favourite red satin Ted Baker shoes that I wore for my wedding....which would go fabulously with this red dress!

  165. Ny stormtrooper costume, of course :)

  166. As I live in Brighton, I will be bright and sparkly with an element of camp. Lots of glitter, feathers, and a ridiculously high pair of heels, cos let's face it, I'll be spending most of the day on the sofa!

  167. I recently remade a beautiful (custom) maternity skirt into an equally lovely non-maternity skirt (courtesy of a pair of worn out jeans) and this is very definitly my outfit of the moment. However, it being Christmas Day I will probably be teaming it with my overall-style apron so I don't get it messy while cooking. (bang goes my sex-appeal)

  168. A lace vintage style dress with my comfy flat shiny shoes! Then into some (hopefully) new jammies when I get home.

  169. Gorge dress! I shall be starting the day in PJ's and a custom hangover, then get dressed up in a nice (coincidentally Lady V!) dress. However all this was derailed last year when my whole family donned 'I SHOT JR' T-Shirts!

  170. I shall be marinating myself from the inside out with whatever comes to hand...sherry, baileys (more suggestions welcome) but I might be a tad chilly up until I am fully marinated, and as I have nothing special to wear this dress would save me from catching a chill...and my dignity too!

  171. My favourite etsy vintage find shall make an appreance. Classic 1940's cocktail dress in navy wool crepe with a snowflake fascinator and matching snowflake 'tattoo' stockings!

  172. If I get out of my pyjamas (leopard print flannel) the day will be a fail. But I will accessorise with mistletoe and holly hairpins.

  173. If I tell you I was hoping to wear THIS dress, will anyone believe me? I've been stalking a replacement for my summery blue Lady V dress for some time and this dotty candidate is prime suspect #1.

  174. I'm intending to wear my snuggly pjs most of the day and change in to something pretty but with a stretchy waistband ready for dinner.

  175. I shall be wearing my Special Christmas Jumper which is red with white reindeer all over it, in fact the whole family are wearing their 'special' Christmas jumpers, including Charlie the dog.

  176. Black lace skirt and warm classy jumper....and a VERY BIG SMILE!

  177. Every year is a challenge to find a smart outfit that makes me look like I've made as much festive effort as my relatives.... while still managing to incorporate an elastic waistband. Might try convince my mum my yoga trousers are formal palazzo pants... which me luck!

  178. I'm planning on pinching my bpyfriend's ridiculous Christmas jumer... Jingle my bells!!

  179. I'm planning on pinching my bpyfriend's ridiculous Christmas jumer... Jingle my bells!!

  180. I always like to dress up on Christmas day, even though I am just festering festively in the house, I like to put a little bit of effort in and do my hair and make-up as well. I am a huge fan of vintage and especially the 1950s so if I won the Lady Vintage dress this is what I would wear, if not, then I would either wear my 1960s paisley dress and jacket or my Kath Kidston 1940s-esque tea dress.

    Merry Christmas Everyone, whatever you're wearing I'm sure it'll be festively fabulous!

    R x

  181. The Christmas tradition in our house is to wear big, red, plush elf slippers with bells on them. They're goofy but they sure keep your feet warm!

  182. It's usually a bit chilly at my Mum's house, so I've stopped getting very dressed up. Think I'll wear a sparkly jumper, with something comfy on the bottom. With Christmas socks, I've got new ones that have Santa on with a furry beard. And Christmas earrings.

  183. Want to wear something red and white this year, but I thinks still have to find the right one! ;)

  184. Ill be wearing one of the two beautiful dresses I put on my wish list from Aspire in Warwick. I've found some Aspire bags in my hubby's wardrobe so I assume at least one of them will be a new 'Christmas Day' dress! Or at least I hope so!

  185. i will probably be wearing a worn out old shirt and yoga pants because the kids will need to have a million things done and i haven't been able to buy anything pretty in years!

  186. Why this dress from Lady Vintage, of course! Accessorizes with a big gold napkin to prevent pigs-in-blankets dribbles!

  187. A tweed dress from m&s! With red tights!

  188. Glittery shoess and a teal shimmer taffeta it.....although i do look good in polka dots :-)

  189. Nothing fits me anymore so I don't know yet what I'll wear at the dinner table! (this dress could be an option ;) ) Otherwise, I'll spend the first half of the day in my warm fleece jammies opening gifts then pop on my awesome chocolate brown one piece swimsuit for a couple hours in the hot tub - Xmas tradition!

  190. I always like to wear something beautiful on Christmas Day.....I haven't bought anything yet. This dress would be perfect ;)

  191. I'll be wearing my nurses uniform because I have to go to work. However I'll wear a black prom dress and beautiful KG heels for fake Xmas which will take place next Tuesday with my lovely friends

  192. A pretty dress in the morning (still to be decided which), but this shall be covered with an excellent Christmas jumper post turkey to hide any food babies.

  193. I'll be wearing red velvet dress (bought from Warehouse a year or two ago) - with half my Christmas dinner down it, I expect!

  194. A nice pair of black jodphur leggings (still smart but stretchy waistband!) and a cute red Christmas jumper with little black reindeer print, Christmas hat from my cracker and a smile!

  195. I'm going to wear my Doris Designs petticoat - but I haven't decided if it's going to go under a dress or take centre stage as a skirt!


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