Monday 27 July 2009

Cocktail Hour: Woo Woo

Yes, this cocktail has a stupid name. But there is one major plus side to this tipple. You can make pitchers of it (and serve in this lovely lemonade jug) which means even more cocktails for everyone! Hurrah! See? That stupid name doesn't seem so bad now, does it?

You'll need these things:
  • 75ml peach schnapps
  • 25ml vodka
  • Cranberry juice
You'll need to do these things:

Mix the schnapps and vodka. Pour over ice. Top up with cranberry juice.

If you want to make a pitcher of the stuff, just triple the measures of everything and pour into a jug with ice. Then top up with the cranberry juice. As long as you keep the measures even, everything will still taste yummy, I promise.

Flickr image from Darwin Bell's photostream.

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