Thursday 30 July 2009

Shop in the spotlight: Unto This Last

Unto This Last aren't the kind of shop where I think "Oh my god, I must buy everything" (and my bank manager is very happy about this), but when they get it right, it's bang on. Unusual, sleek design with the highest quality wood. It's hard to argue with that really.

These are tealight holders! Honestly! They come in the triangle shapes you can see, and you can slot them together however you like. They're £4 each. Love them.

Are these shelves practical? No. But they look a damn sight prettier than those flat-pack ones I got from Ikea. They're £420.

This chair isn't my usual taste at all. But I love it. There's something about the curve in it that I really like. It's not often I'll choose design over comfort, but this chair is different. It's £200 which actually, I think is pretty good value.

Unto This Last are based at Brick Lane, nearest tubes are Liverpool Street/Aldgate East.

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