Thursday 18 February 2010

Design Porn: Takae Mizutani and Sons

I've already shown you some of Takae Mizutani and Sons' brilliance. Remember this castle and horse egg cup set from Caravan? This was created by Takae. Her designs are created by asking simple, (and wonderfully childish) questions. Why can't soldiers have their very own stand? Why indeed! But there's even more exciting things to show you!

A snail plate! For no reason other than the fact it looks awesome and it's fun! More design should be simple and fun. He's £22.12 from the always fabulous Hidden Art Shop.

This salt and pepper set is adorable. Wonderfully named 'Memory of Falmouth', it makes you wonder why something so simple hasn't been around for years. This is £38.78 and also comes in blue.

It took me ages to choose my favourite out of these tea towels, but the idea of counting raindrops in puddles is almost as fun as jumping in them. Check out more over at the Takae Mizutani and Sons website.


  1. I love the egg and toast combo almost as much as I love Mr Snail.

  2. They're all wonderful. They would just make your day happier. What more could you ask for?

  3. I need Mr Snail in my life. Yes, that's need not want ;-)


  4. Have bought the egg and soldiers. Our kitchen will be much happier :-)


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