Wednesday 15 September 2010

Shoe Porn: Miss Selfridge Tapestry Platforms

I know you'll be divided by these floral tapestry platforms. Robyn has already asked me if they're made of carpet. They do look like it, don't they? But I LOVE them. In fact, Miss Selfridge have been teasing me with them and I've been waiting for them to become available for the last month.

Yes, they look like they're made out of old woman carpet. But the shape, and the chunky platform makes me swoon a little. You've got yourself a very cool pair of shoes, perfect for winter. And pair these with some tights and a cool dress, and I think they'll look lovely. I want these shoes, come my birthday, I reckon I'll have shelled out the £45 for them. Even if half of you will hate them.


  1. I can see how these have a love/hate quality - If you offered me a lounge in this material I'd turn it away. However - I do like these. The more you look at them, the more you like them!

  2. Love love love them! :)

  3. Agree with Jaz! Shame they're too high for me to walk in, but hey ho.

  4. saw 'em at the press day, fell in love then. Still love them now. Tapestry looks way better on shoes than it would on a sofa. Who knew.

    I also love tapestry bags.

  5. I'm pleased you guys like these! (Twitter does not agree.) Perhaps tapestry is best in small doses. I'd love a little coin purse in the same fabric.

    I want them!


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