Wednesday 1 December 2010

12 Days of Christmas! Win a Dutch by Design tea set!

On the first day of Christmas, Domestic Sluttery gave to me... a bathing girls tea set from Dutch by Design!

Hurrah! It's December 1st! This means advent calendars, counting shopping days, putting the tree up and Sluttery Christmas! Yay! We've got 12 days of Christmas presents to share with you. You know the drill by now, right? We give you a present every day, and then on day 12, we do something very very special indeed. But you'll have to wait to find out what that is, we like surprises.

We're kicking off with this fabulous tea set from the fabulous homewares shop Dutch by Design (check out their amazing chandeliers). It's not just the pretty little cups that have bathing girls, but the teapot too!

Pretty isn't it? I like that the saucers have little lingerie drawings on them. The tea set is worth around £60, and one will go to a very lucky home. All you have to do is leave a comment below telling everyone what your favourite Christmas tipple is. That's it! As it's the first competition of the month, you'll also get an extra entry for retweeting if you're on Twitter (only once, we don't like spamming).

The competition will close at 8pm tonight, so you've got time to enter even if you're working hard all day. We'll pick a winner at random and announce the winner tomorrow. And of course, tell you what the next prize is. The winner will even get an exclusive Christmas treat from us. Well go on! Get entering, or we'll keep the set for ourselves!

Merry Christmas, everyone!

The small print (yawn):
The competition will close at 8pm December 1st. This prize can be delivered worldwide, yay! You must also leave a name as well to make sure we know who you are! If you're anon your entry won't count. We're not allowed to enter our own competitions, but I am quite partial to a mug of spicy hot cider. We wish we could enter our competitions. Humph.


  1. My favourite Christmas tipple has to be mulled wine!

  2. Peppermint hot chocolate with a towering pile of whipped cream!

  3. Spiced vodka and tonic. Mmmmm...

  4. My favourite tipple is a nice creamy liqueur, so something like Baileys or White Choc from Vom Fass, consumed while sitting in the most outlandish jumper that I can find!
    (Probably knitted by my Mum!)

  5. Baileys (consumed alongside a tin of Quality Street whilst watching the epic Eastenders xmas episode)

  6. Has to be the sherry while making the trifle - one glass for the trifle.... one for me - and so it continues....

  7. I want to lie and say something festive, but the truth is my favourite Christmas tipple is still a cup of tea. Just perhaps with a mince pie resting on the saucer.

  8. Amaretto, Cointreau and Cranberry juice. Divine, but dangerously alcoholic!

  9. this is a beautiful tea set!
    My favourite Christmas drink is a nice red wine.

  10. Brandy. It's the only time of year it's acceptable to drink at breakfast too- yay!

  11. Difficult!
    I'm hard pressed to pick between warm spiced cider or a strong smoky tea. Or a hot toddy!

    I guess I'd go for a Northumbrian blend tea sweetened with honey and topped off with lemon. Back you evil winter germs and cold!

  12. Amaretto and cognac!!! yummers.

  13. Oh, definitely hot spiced apple juice with a dash of whiskey! I haven't had it in aaaages - it's usually available at the market in Meeting House Square in Dublin, and to my uncultured mind, is the best possible use for whiskey.

    While living on these dark shores, mulled wine - super spicy - is definitely my fave.

  14. MMMM it's got to be a Southern Comfort and Ginger Ale....the ginger reminds me of Christmas because it tends to be the only time I drink it and the Southern Comfort because it warms you up inside :)

  15. My favourite Christmas tipple has to be Baileys. Baileys in coffee. Baileys in hot chocolate. Baileys over your minced pies. Straight Baileys over an ice cube (or spoonful of snow from the front garden if you're lacking an ice tray). Always Baileys.

  16. advocaat and lemonade (snowballs) only drink them at xmas and theyre yummy :)
    Have rt'd also @xxladyluck13xx

  17. Warm apple juice cannot be beaten. But if you want something stronger, you can always add a shot of winter pimms to it.
    Emily Wearmouth

  18. Has to be Pimms Winter in front of the fire

  19. OooOooh!

    My favourite Christmas tipple this year will be Disaronno and Coke :D But a nice German Gluhwwein wouldn't go amiss either!

  20. Port and lemonade - a new one for me, only discovered last year. But it's definitely being resurrected this year! Might even pour it out of a teapot, too!

  21. What, I have to pick just one? I can't decide between mulled cider with nutmeg, cinnamon and brandy or a bloody mary with winter spiced vodka. Then there is sloe gin drunk neat from a hipflask on the beach on Christmas Morning.

  22. Hot chocolate laced with a touch of baileys in a huge girly mug piled high with cream and marshmallows! Yum!

  23. I have a new exciting Christmas drink - gingerbread latte (God bless my coffee machine) with whiskey in it. It is BRILLIANT and everybody should try it, even if it means sneaking a hip flask into starbucks.

  24. Glühwein, no doubt.

  25. Christmas has TRULY arrived when you're wrapping up the last of the presents on Xmas eve with a cognac to keep out the cold and you start Xmas day breakfast with a Bucks Fizz!

  26. I am not really a drinker but its hard to say no to a glass of Prosecco

  27. A glass of port whilst making the gravy (with port in)!

  28. My favourite X-Mas tipple is egg nog!

  29. Betty's Spiced Christmas tea..,18973,129.aspx

  30. my favourite christmas tipple?? Do I have to choose?? I think I'll take Mulled Cider ( or at a push, mulled wine!) Great prize ladies!

  31. It has to be a very classic and traditional winter Purl cocktail:

    Cloudy Apple Juice
    Cinnamon stick
    Angostura Bitters
    Star anise

    AMAZING and available to try at the moment at Purl in Marylebone - bonus!

  32. Mulled wine with a sprinkling of cinnamon...and hot organic apple juice with a sprinkling of cinammon. If you don't fancy cinnamon with the hot apple juice, throw in a small sprig of fresh rosemary or mint leaves and leave to infuse. Delish!

  33. The first glass of the Christmas Bailey's which I opened last night after a horrendous 2 hour journey home in the snow (should have taken 20 mins!

  34. My favorite christmas tipple would be a cheeky So Co on the rocks! Also love Bailys on the rocks too! Lush!

  35. Guinness + tia maria = naughty but nice!

  36. My favourite Christmas Tipple is my grandparents as they are Mr and Mrs Tipples.

  37. Oh I have to choose one! Well other than the most necessary mulled wine (first one of the season swiftly approaching) this year I am thinking that Christmas Cocktails are in order... there will be whisky, ginger and spice sipped in front of a blazing fire..

  38. I discovered Taylor of Harrogates's Spiced Christmas Tea last week. Tastes like liquid mince pies, and perfect for a brew in that lovely teapot...

  39. It would have to be a steaming mulled wine. Heady and aromatic and delicious. Yes please!

  40. it is usually mulled wine, but myself and 'the girls' have started up a vodka-circle recently (who needs a knitting circle!). we're concocting various sweetie flavoured vodkas for one hell of a cheery christmas :oD
    each of us is making up our vodka simply by tipping in our favourite sweets and leaving it to dissolve... so far we have pear drop, sherbet lemons, cola cube and sour apple! yum! try it!!!

  41. I'd never be so rude as to refuse Mulled wine [in the cold of a Christmas market so the warmth permeated my gloves] but a winter pimms [where did this pring from, and what a fine, intuitive idea] with warm apple juice makes a scrumptious night cap!


  42. My absolute favourite tipple (hard to choose, I love so many) is sloe gin made by me from berries our family gathered from the local hedgerows two years before, soaked in sugar and gin for a year, then bottled and matured for a further year.

    Of course, one CAN drink it earlier and jolly nice it is too (and nicely jolly-making )but the maturer version is so much richer, the colour so much more jewel-like and the scent so much heavenlier that it really is worth the wait.


  43. After all these years of hiding the truth about my true festive fancy... I can finally admit that my FAVOURITE Christmas drink is a sweet, dark nectar... SHERRY!!! Not only were you domestic-sluts tweeting about Sherry a little while ago, Women's Hour are discussing this nectar like drink today!!! I always **Knew** I was a trend setter! ;) *Cheers* x

  44. My favourite Christmas tipple is Irish cream liqueur. Mmm... wish I had one right now!

  45. I just discovered my favourite at my local cinema - hot chocolate with a shot of ameretto, then whipped cream on top!

  46. I love mulled wine and mulled cider. So warming and festive! RT'd @misslongstockin

  47. My favourite Christmas tipple is mulled cider. Drinking it at our local Christmas market whilst wrapped up in the largest scarf I can find in the evenings with my friends is what Chrsitmas is all about!

  48. My favourite Christmas tipple is Festive Cherry Pie - Amaretto, Cranberry juice & a jaunty cocktail cherry. Yum! Merry Sluttery Christmas everyone! Ali (@Perfumegirl74) xx

  49. Nice glass of whisky. It's good for - bad days, celebration days, headaches, colds, stress, enjoying in company and quiet times alone. You can't go wrong.

  50. I'm not a drinker myself...but the year we added cherry brandy to the xmas puds/christmas cake mix was extremely tasty!

  51. There's nothing quite as festive as mulled wine. Although a glass of baileys while putting up the Christmas is tradition!

  52. Tea wise - Yorkshire with Chai AND rooibos (xmas xcess). Ales most of the day then g&t when family arrive.

  53. Irrepressible Red1 December 2010 at 12:29

    Mulled cranberry juice (if I'm feeling virtuous) with a shot of cointreau (if, more likely, I''m not!)

  54. Homemade Baileys using my Gran's receipe. So much nicer and with a much bigger kick! :-)

  55. Pick just one drink??

    From all the many and varied drinkies on offer at this festive time??


    I have thought long and hard about this (well, for at least as long as it took to read all the other comments) and it has to be...


    Yes, boring old, normal old tea.

    Tea warms you up after your frosty Christmas morning walk, tea revives you on Boxing Day morning when you're feeling the previous day's excesses, tea goes perfectly with a big chunk of fruity, boozy Christmas cake, tea works for everyone in the whole family, tea makes you feel all virtuous for not choosing booze, tea is the drink of champions (probably).

    so, here's to a nice cup of tea (hopefully made in my new Duth by Design teapot??)


  56. Duth by Design? who are they??

    Of course, I meant Dutch!

  57. It has to be a Cosmopolitain. Mum and I make them every year and drink them while we peel the veg on christmas eve. Dad always wonders why he gets odd shaped veg in his christmas dinner :-)

  58. a lovely glass of drambuie, reminds me of my mum :)

  59. Nothing beats a good glass of red wine, any time of year. So that's my favourite Christmas tipple.

  60. Hello all!

    My favorite of all the tipples for Christmas is a double Amaretto with coke, and wedges (so you can then suck all the juice out later!) of orange. Sounds a little weird, but tastes a little like a chocolate orange (the best of all the christmas chocolates)! Truely scrumptious I promise!

    Happy first of Christmas everyone

    Penelope Patrick x x x

  61. Christmas means its time to crack open my sloe gin, drunk either neat or with lemonade. Ding dong!

  62. Got to be a ridiculously calorific peppermint hot chocolate with cream and chocolate shavings :)
    Lovely tea set, good choice ladies xx

  63. Hot chocolate with whipped cream, and Baileys. And I always leave a glass of mulled wine out for Santa, too.

  64. May not be original - looking at the other suggestions! - but Baileys hot chocolate (with extra chocolate), marshmallows, and maybe even cream with chocolate sprinkles... after all, it is cold outside so you need extra energy.

  65. Try this one girls -
    2 shots of Tia Maria,
    top up with Orange juice -


    Katy Clement xx

  66. mmm a hot Chocolate with rum or baileys, just the right thing during the cold weather. Rum in black tea is quite nice too, but I guess the hot chocolate with a bit of rum would be my choice.

  67. Big, fat hot chocolate with veggie marshmallows.

  68. Difficult. I am rather partial to a magnum of Veuve Cliquot vinatge on Christmas Day, but then there is the mulled wine after walking the dogs...

    Veuve Cliquot vintage wins as that is the only time of year I splurge on the vintage.

    Feliz Navidad!

  69. Well, my dad makes a pretty mean Eggnog but I still prefer a well spiced Mulled Wine!

    Merry Christmas Domestic Sluttesses!

  70. A Gin and Tonic whilst preparing the Brussel Sprouts for the Christmas feast is the only Christmas tipple for me...apparently there's a new Christmas flavoured Gin available this year too... yum yum!

  71. mine is always baileys and jamesons - yum yum!

  72. Pipping hot Mulled wine with lots of cinnamon! mmmm toasty!

  73. What can I say? I'm a seventies child so it has to be a Snowball of course!

  74. I've discovered straight sloe gin for the first time this year. That's definitely my fave :)

  75. Amaeretto with a squeeze of lime and a hint of regret x

  76. I am also a late seventies/early eighties child... so I am joining the 'Snowball Fan Club'.

    It was my one opportunity of the year (when I was still knee high to a cerise and royal blue leg warmer) to drink alcohol... and it came in the form of a delicious, frothy snowball with a glacé cherry on a cocktail stick. If Mum wasn't looking, my sister and I would also add a scoop of ice-cream on top.

    It reminds me of watching Jason And The Argonauts on Christmas Eve, and regalling the Christmas Tree festooned with hankies(?).

    ND: Did anybody else's mum put cotton handkerchiefs on their Christmas tree?!?!

  77. It has to be Bailey's or a proper home-made mulled it too early for one now??

  78. Tia Maria and Baileys mixed together over some ice! Can't stand them on their own but mixed together = YUM!

  79. I can't decide between Baileys, Mulled Cider and Brandy Blazer. Baileys is acceptable to drink all day at Christmas but the other two are perfect for the evening when you have just come in from the freezing cold and need to warm up.. They smell so festive too

  80. Last year we mulled some K cider. Refreshingly different.

  81. I love chai milk steamers at Christmas time - probably because four years ago when I was studying in Brighton, they made the 6.45am December trains bearable from London Victoria (where the AMT stand was that sold them). Mmmm!

  82. Tis the season for Sailor Jerry Spiced rum..that bottle gets sloshed in all my mincemeat & xmas pudding mixes as well as my mouth. Also very tempted to try spicing up some alcoholic ginger beer this year...

  83. Pimms Winter!! I love the smell of spiced apple goodness. Plus, we dont have it in the US - so it's a quintessential British winter treat!

  84. After careful consideration because I have many favourites, I have chosen Baileys Hot Chocolate - yummy.

  85. Ooo it's a close call - mulled wine, spiced cider and gingerbread lattes all up there! But I think mulled wine wins.

  86. It has to be port, sipped whilst snuggled up next to a roaring fire...

  87. Snowball! Advocat and lemonade. I love it at Christmas even though my boyfriend refuses to order it at the bar, he thinks I'm 30 going on 80. mmm snowball! xx

  88. I only ever drink alcohol at Christmas and it is always Sherry - makes a change from the squillions of gallons of tea I drink the rest of the year. However I am making limoncello (from the Domestic Sluttery post a couple of weeks ago) for presents but I may keep a little back to sample myself this Christmas!

  89. It has to be Disaronno Amaretto - on ice in a good solid glass tumbler that needs both hands wrapped around it to lift!
    There's also a half pint of gin keeping schtum in the tea pot (for emergencies!)!

  90. Baileys, I only ever drink it around Christmas so it always makes me feel very festive!

  91. This comment has been removed by the author.

  92. Oh, the choice! Mulled wine, or egg nogg lattes or cranberry and ameretto. Mmm... Bakewell tart in a glass.... :o) I think it has to be the latter for pure happiness factor!

  93. I love homemade Eggnog more than anything at Christmas :)

  94. Cointreau and lemonade, yum :)

  95. Oh oh oh, moscow mules for me!

  96. For me (living here in Germany), it's got to be Jagertee - it's a lovely tea, with a shot of some sort of clear Schnapps in it. It's a don't ask sort of thing for me - it's tasty and lovely when it's cold out, and as long as I don't know what is in it, all the better!

  97. Mulled wine, although when in Norway last year my boyfriend's parents taught me to appreciate the Christmas-y-ness of Akvavit!

  98. There's almost nothing better than a hot chocolate with a shot of amaretto. Oh and maybe some whipped cream on top - perfect!

  99. A very old fashioned port & lemon

  100. Well I don't drink alcohol other than at Christian celebrations, so at Christmas I love having a Snowball! (Dutch Advocaat and Lemonade) What a treat!

  101. Can't choose between mulled wine, sherry and champagne...Oh, all right, mulled wine:-)

  102. I can't get enough of mulled cider. But will always end the night on champagne.

  103. I know it is not a drink specific to Christmas but it has to be a tumbler filled with Baileys and 4 ice cubes... yes, four! Mmmm....

  104. For me its Snowballs all the way baby...Warninks Advocaat, lemonade and a touch of lime. My mum used to buy a bottle every Christmas and hide it in the wardrobe with the pressies so my dad wouldn't drink it before Christmas Eve.

  105. It has to be a highlights white chocolate hot chocolate but made with full fat milk and baileys with squirty cream on the top! (plus because it's low calorie hot chocolate I think it makes me nearly as saintly as the angel on the top of my tree). x

  106. There are so many to choose from but I have to go with eggnog and rum with a sprinkle of nutmeg. Not to be consumed in excessive quantities of course...that would ruin the office Xmas party for sure!

  107. Because we're the awesomely multi-faceted creatures we are, I believe we may all have a variety of "tipples."
    When I was young and impetuous, I favored Champagne no matter what.
    As I matured, it was Disaronno on the rocks.
    Now I love a good red wine-- preferably one had for under $10.00. (Yes, they DO still exsist ladies...)

  108. Hmm that's a hard one! I'd have to go with warm cider I think

  109. Personally I partake in a generous Advocaat and lemonade around the Christmas season, I think its in my blood- my granny used to drink one EVERY night without fail, what a legacy!

  110. I'm pregnant this year, so facing a very sober Christmas. My favourite non-boozy Christmas drink is a hot chocolate with cream, and cinammon and nutmeg sprinkled on the top. Yum!

  111. At this time of the year I bow to my German heritage and tipple on Rumtopf. It needs making in the summer (which requires a fair amount of forethought), you get a glut of summer berries, cover in sugar and top up with rum, then leave in a dark place in its ceramic pot until Christmas time. Or the end of November, if, like me, you get desperate. Yummy, rummy, fruity, spicy goodness, excellent with Lebkuchen or cheese and biscuits.

  112. Santa always leaves a large baileys with ice :)

  113. Bucks fizz with bacon sandwiches for Christmas Day breakfast - heaven!

    [email protected]

  114. Christmas tipple has to be Baileys - in a baileys latte tho' with whipped cream on top!

    Luvin' the little ladies bathing in cups! cute xx


  115. ooh - i did a little tweet too @josie301

    I popped along to the dutch by design site too and gosh do they have some cute stuffs! x

  116. Claire Gollings @ two for joy bakery1 December 2010 at 18:01

    For a double booze hit (any excuse) it has to be hot spiced cider with a cheeky shot of spiced rum. Served in a tea pot! The Christmas karaoke soon gets going after a few teacup's full. Not that I need any motivation to sing last Christmas at the top of my lungs!!

  117. Call me old fashioned but it has to be a Snowball (Advocat & lemonade). They always remind me of my gran.

  118. A little bit of brandy in a warm glass of milk.

  119. It's got to be mulled wine hasn't it?

    I love the fact that everyone has a different recipe for it yet it's always delicious!

    Vicki x

  120. Spiced warm cider ... at the German Market .. yum !

  121. Mulled cider! Although, if it works out, I'm hoping the ginger and cardamon vodka I have infusing in a dark cupboard takes the top spot this xmas!

  122. Homemade mulled wine all the way!

  123. Mulled wine, Ameretto, Baileys, all good. Can't beat a nice glass of bubbly though. Mmm! (or three...)

  124. Mine is Babysham, I'm a little bit mortified to admit that!

  125. Mulled wine - not from a kit or mulling bag but from fresh ingredients. Much better.

  126. I LOVE making Irish Coffees after Xmas dinner and getting the cream just right - but alas I don't like to drink them - so it's the V-Plan (aka Vodka) all the way for me.

  127. Probably a spiced apple martini. My brand new boyfriend made these for breakfast on christmas day. Thirteen years later my husband ad I start every christmas with this spicey boozy glass of vodka goodness

  128. Goldschlager and hot chocolate! How can you resist little pieces of gold floating in chocolate? A cup of heaven

  129. Midori, pineapple and coconut cream. I'll drink it any time to be honest ;) . @KatDray

  130. Home made mulled wine. It's the only time of year we drink it.

  131. Mulled wine

    Tweeted @bofferminx

  132. my fave xmas tipple, Baileys on the rocks! simples! x

  133. Yogi spice tea-ayurvedic magic especially if accompanied by a clementine and a mince pie.

  134. Hot chocolate with a shot of rum, whipped cream and chocolate shavings.


  135. Ginger wine! Very warming on a cold, dark night.

    (@theamorousprawn on twitter)

  136. Its a great festive dilema but im opting for:
    Hot Mocha with Baileys.
    There's coffee, chocolate & alcohol, whats not to love whilst sat infront of the fire!

  137. Rainbow tea


  138. Oooh you can't beat a lovely hot glass of mulled wine. But I'm also thinking that Miss Cay's limoncello is going to give that a run for its money! 3 weeks til tasting time! :)

  139. Mulled wine for me as well, need it at the moment its so cold!


  140. Warm milk with a shot of Tia Maria. Go on try it. It's like warm coffee milkshake. Lish.

    Wendy Barbe

  141. This comment has been removed by the author.

  142. Has to be a snowball



  143. Eggnog, reminds me of Christmas time in the States! :)

  144. Anything alcoholic usually does me :)


  145. Black Russian - over lots of ice - Yum!


  146. Mulled Wine - Home made of course :)

  147. My favourite is either champagne, or vodka and orange.

  148. Tia Maria & Orange Juice, tastes like Terry's Choc Orange


  149. A Brandy and Baby-sham my mum gives me a few every year as I invite her up for Christmas every year. Its lovely and warms you up inside


    [email protected]

  150. Baileys, its amazing :)
    I've tweeted (@jessycalouise)

  151. Ooh my favourite tipple has to be Baileys with lots of ice!!!! Yummy!!!

  152. I just love Baileys coffee flavour! Jen Rogers

  153. The usual. Vodka and lemonade! :oD

    @woosh55 on Twitter

  154. Kayleigh Rothwell1 December 2010 at 19:42

    Snow balls are a must for christmas!

  155. I'm with Santa on this one & go for a sherry - always plenty knocking about this time of year - tend to leave the carrot though

  156. A Christmas Cake Cocktail, equal measures of port and amaretto, over ice, with a maraschino cherry.....heavenly!

  157. My favourite Christmas tipple is Bucks Fizz with breakfast on Christmas morning! xx

  158. Home made mulled wine - can't beat it!

    Oh, or a nice glass of champagne. It would be rude not to.

  159. Well, usually I love mulled wine or Bellinis but this year I will be drinking Sloe Vodka which I made back in September.

  160. Gluhwein has to be the winner for Christmas drinks. We went to the German markets in Edinburgh last night and had a 'Schneeman punch' - Gluhwein, amaretto, rum, cream and cinnamon. It certainly packed a punch and warmed us up in the snowy weather!!

  161. What we call a Blueberry Tea: a shot each of amaretto and Grand Marnier in a brandy snifter, with some nice hot Earl Grey tea on top.

    Sounds strange, but tastes great when you've come in from shovelling snow!

  162. Its got to be tea!

  163. A big cup of milky sweet redbush tea . . . it's all I can face after all that festive food!

  164. i love a tequila sunrise with the heating on full blast - it makes me think that i'm spending christmas on a beach somewhere. if i win i promise to use this set to pour my tequila sunrise this year & send u photos of it being put to good use ;-)

  165. Ordinarily I love a mulled wine or a snowball. Christmas morning always calls for a glass of champagne with an hibiscus flower! However, this year I will be 8 months pregnant so the most exciting I'm likely to get is a hot chocolate!

  166. Bailey's...always reminds me of christmas morning....x

  167. Just like The Gilmore Girls mine is candy cane flavoured coffee. Hard to get hold of over here but when you do it's sheer bliss.

    I've been known to try and replicate it with instant coffee and a few of Sainsbugger's humbugs come the summer months.

  168. In my preggers state, all alcohol is terribly and sadly off limits. Makes me sick as a dog. My drinking nirvana is now a cup of hot orange squash. Lovely!

  169. Eggnog! Especially if it's said by kiwis!
    Love, Cate and Pari xxxxx

  170. Ooooh , a smidge of sherry for me please. In a dainty old glass with scratches -

    I'm practicing for the days when I can embarrass my children and future grand-children with my Christmas spirit

    Christmas was made for tipsy old ladies and sherry

  171. Kir Royale,
    Delish any time of the day
    Pippa in France :O)

  172. Mulled Wine is my favourite Christmas tipple, goes perfect with cold winter nights, raisins, nuts and ginger biscuits.... mmmmmm tasty

  173. I love sherry whilst helping my mum cook, so warming, reminds me of winter everytime i have a glass :)

  174. Bailey over ice. Whilst building my tree like now

  175. This week, I was introduced to Champagne & Sloe Gin. Together.

    My friend's family have it before breakfast on Christmas Day, a tradition I am seriously considering adopting....hic...

  176. That's it! No more comments! Thanks for playing everyone. x

  177. My favourite tipple is Baileys! Mmmmm
    @emma1111111 (Twitter)

  178. mulled wine with lots of cinnamon

  179. hot choc with marshmallows and cream

  180. Warm Amaretto, sounds gross but it's delish

  181. I know I missed the deadline however I was volunteering for World Aids Day selling red ribbons so surely you could let me off???!

    Now I'm at home warming up with my favourite christmas tipple - warm cider with spiced rum. Bliss!

  182. Not actually a drink but my great grandmother used to mae fruit cake & turn it upside down, poke half a dozen holes in the bottom & top them up with rum, every time it was soaked up the rum would be topped up...
    It is definitely verging on a rather potent tipple after a week or so of this treatment!

    Otherwise I have to go for the traditional big steaming saucepan of mulled wine!

  183. A nice glass of Jack Daniels - neat, no phaffing around with ice, and a small cup of excellent coffee as a chaser.

    Yeah, I'm too late but what the hell! Love the teaset.

  184. Single malt - any :) Tweet WISHGIRL123


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