Tuesday 7 December 2010

Shoe Porn: Oasis Lace Peep Toes

I know I said that I was over high heels and was going to wear much more practical things from now on. But then the snow melted, and then I spotted these lace peep toes in Oasis, and then I noticed that they were in the sale, and well... old habits die hard, OK?

So I'm not going to change my ways overnight. But I don't think I'll care when I'm wearing these. Granted, lace and peep toes in the same shoe isn't particularly fashion forward, but I do really like the velvet trim around the outside, and the little gold touches. And frankly, the purple soles are more appealing than the Laboutin red.

Best of all? These are now just £45. They'll go with every single Christmas party outfit that you've got planned in your head, and you've saved yourself twenty quid. Which you can now spend on cocktails.

1 comment:

  1. Siany, as ever I LOVE your logic - money saved from bargain shopping should definitely always go on cocktails. Well said!


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