Monday 31 January 2011

Crazy Horses: Concetta Mug from Habitat

When I told you about Sexy Bovril, you weren't all convinced by the concept. But we agreed on one thing: the mug in the photo was awesome. Where is it from, you all cried (all right, one reader left a comment)? The answer is Habitat, part of their gloriously odd Concetta range.

The mug is just £8.50, and mixes line drawings with photos, scratchy pictures and blocks of colour, to create a pleasingly strange print. It's unusual but not disconcerting, and frankly anything that can brighten up my rushed weekday breakfast is worth investing in.

Check out the rest of the Concetta range, especially the tea pot which would brighten up any table in a happy, messy Mad Hatter's Tea Party sort of way.


  1. I have two of the pasta bowls which I bought the summer before last and the pattern is fantastically eccentric! A must for a horse lover like myself :-)

    Jem xXx

  2. oooh thank you - that was me! I just got so giddy that you did a post on this, I shouted my mum in from the other room :0)

    keep up the good work ladies I just love catching up on your site when I am on line xx


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