Wednesday 7 September 2011

Sluttishly Savoury: Killer Sarnie

I have been working like crazy recently. Five contracts, 24 hours in a day and only a measly 7 days in a week. There hasn't been enough time to breathe, let alone sleep.

The result?
One very tetchy, grumpy and wholly unhelpful girlfriend.

The knock-on effect?
One rather put-out better half.

Now, how to solve a problem like Mr B? How to get back into the nook? How to repair the damage? Gifts? Sexual favours? Pleading? Begging? Bribery? All excellent tactics, but we all know the universal truth. The way (back) into a man's heart is till through his belly. Cue this epic and ginormous sandwich.

"Did it work?!" I hear you cry. Sure it did ;-)

You'll need:
  • Three slices of decent wholemeal bread
  • Two thick-cut slices of breaded ham
  • One chicken breast
  • Two slices of Jarlsburg cheese
  • Beetroot slices
  • Fresh salad leaves
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Cucumber
  • Cream cheese
  • French mustard
  • Mayonnaise
  • Thick balsamic vinegar
  • Butter
Make it!
  • Lightly toast your bread slices. Don't overdo it. Cut off the crusts. Leave to cool.
  • Fry your chicken breast in a little olive oil and thick balsamic vinegar.
  • Butter each piece of bread.
  • Mix a spoonful of mayonnaise with a half-spoonful of mustard. Spread on one slice.
  • Slice the warm chicken and lay onto the mustard mayonnaise slice. Add a few salad leaves and sliced cherry tomatoes.
  • Take the second piece of bread and spread cream cheese liberally over right to the edges.
  • Place on top of the first piece, cream cheese facing up.
  • Lay your Jarlsburg on top of the cream cheese layer.
  • Place your breaded ham on top of the cheese and top with beetroot slices, cucumber and more salad leaves.
  • Spread more mustard mayonnaise over the final slice of bread and place on top.
  • Slice if you can and eat using a napkin to protect the front of your shirt!

1 comment:

  1. This sounds absolutely epic. And I also really really like the photo. NOM.


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