Tuesday 8 November 2011

Shoe Porn: Asos Glitter Shoes

I'm all about the glitter at the moment. It's everywhere, and I'd cover myself in PVA and throw a bucket of it over myself if I could. Sadly, that kind of behaviour is frowned upon. So instead I must wear all of the glittery shoes. And glitter dresses. And basically, glittery everything.

But starting with these glittery platforms from ASOS. Narrowly avoiding looking like something you'd wear if you were in a 70s tribute band (no, I don't know how they do it either), but still looking fabulous and stompy. Stomp, stomp, sparkle, sparkle.

They're in the sale, so they're reduced from £50 to £35 and there are loads of sizes left. Loads. Go hunt your size down and enjoy the sparkly stomping. Or the sparkly falling over, whatever works for you.


  1. I do love a bit of sparkel, Daytime sequins all the way.

  2. I was looking/drooling over this shoes just a few hours ago. I'd join you with the PVA if I could too.

  3. As a size nearly-3, I'm always having problems in any shoes without T-bars or straps across the front (maybe a good slingback occasionally). Anything without straps just falls off. I've just discovered you and am very happy to see your shoe porn collection seems to carry a good selection of the strappy kind. Keep up the good work.


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