Friday 16 December 2011

Win! ALL of the Domestic Sluttery Presents!

On the twelfth day of Christmas, Domestic Sluttery gave to me... every single one of their Christmas presents!

We have a winner! For Christmas she wants a "baby penguin or a baby polar bear, of the Frozen Planet ilk." (Don't we all?) Jane Sommerville! You've won! Just email us to claim your millions and millions of prizes.

Thanks so much for playing everyone, you've made Domestic Sluttery Christmas a whole pile of festive AWESOME.

Yep, you heard us, we're giving away EVERYTHING. What's that? All of the things? In the style of Blind Date (RIP - sort it out ITV), here's a quick recap of everything we've given away...

Christmas decorations from Natural HistoryRob Ryan plated from Hunkydory Home, A free range turkey from Donald Russellearrings from Accessories Online, A sweetie hamper from Hope & Greenwood, A dress from Fever Londonpersonally designed shoes from Upper Street, a chutney hamper from Tracklements, amazing books from the V&A, whisky glasses from Bodie & Fou, a fabulous sausage dog purse from Dutch by Design.

Phew! That is A LOT of fabulous stuff and it's worth more than £800! We're so hugely grateful to everyone who gave us prizes.

So what do you have to do to win? Tell us what present you're wishing for this Christmas. Do you want a Mr. Frosty (we do)? Or a penguin helter skelter (yeah, we want of these too)? Or perhaps you want a massive snog from that boy your fancy. We don't have magic Christmas fairy powers, but we are very nosy. As it's our last competition, you can enter in three ways today.

1. Leave a comment below.
2. Like our competition entry listing on our Facebook page and tell us your answer there.
3. Tweet your answer, using the hashtag #DomesticSlutteryChristmas at the end so everyone can see.

You can do all three if you like - we want to spread as much Christmas joy as possible (but not too much joy, don't go spamming your friends). You've got until 6pm on Sunday to enter, and we're going to announce the winner that evening. This is key - there's a turkey than needs delivering so if you've won you'll need to claim your prize by noon on Monday.

Go on, what are you waiting for? Hurry up and get entering!

Oh yawn, small print (read it). The competition will close at 6pm on December 18th. You must be UK based to enter, sorry you lovely overseas readers. If you're anon your entry won't count and if you enter more than once, we'll discount all of your entries and tell you off. The winning entry will be chosen at random and you must claim your prize by the 19th or we'll draw again. If you've won one competition this Christmas, let someone else have a bash and go and play with your toys! We're not allowed to enter our own competitions but Siany is wishing for lots of books and a snuggly and cosy pair of pyjamas. Failing that, she'd quite like a kitten.


  1. That's easy! I want a KitchenAid mixer in cream. I ask for one every year and fingers crossed this is the year.............

  2. Eeep! Fabulous prize! For Christmas I would like the ability to tidy my house and make it stay tidy.

  3. I'd love Christmas Day off work. Not going to happen but these presents might ease the pain.

  4. This prize would be amazing!! I'd love it for Christmas!plus I'd really like a luxurious spa day to recover in the new year as a reward for all my hard work xx

  5. I ask for the same every year, world peace, global harmony and an end to famine.... I usually get bath salts!

  6. For Christmas I would love to have an ever-expanding stomach so that I can eat All The Food, but what I *should* probably wish for instead is a gym membership!

  7. I quite fancy having the willpower to continue with my weightloss and exercise program. 60lbs in the last year, and the same again would be lovely. In time for my 40th later in the year. Are you listening, Santa??

  8. This Christmas I'd love to receive a puppy - just like any other Christmas since I was three. It is not going to happen, though. But perhaps, one day...

    Many thanks for the giveaway,
    [email protected]

  9. Hmmm, so many present ideas so little time! My top pressie has to be some lovely jewellery. As long as my gorgeous hubby has picked it I'm sure I'll love it!

  10. For Christmas, I would like better time management - university is killing me.

    Failing that, an internship, a large bottle of good quality gin and hugs from my best friend all year round.

  11. With a huge family christmas to throw and the house to decorate, for christmas I would like a big case of gorgeous wine, a nice big glass, a leopard print onesie with matching slippers lol, I'm going to need to relax by boxing day x

  12. I'd like my ironing mountain to magically disappear and for someone else do the washing up

  13. This year I am wishing for a new camera because I feel like time is going so fast in my life right now, I need to document all the lovely happenings in a more organised manner. Then one day far in the future I can look at all the pictures and say "Hey, being 20-something was pretty damn fantastic".

  14. This christmas I'm wishing for.... SNOW!

  15. I'd like a Swedish au pair for my family. Preferably 6ft tall, blond and called Sven. ;) x

  16. I'm asking Santa for a kingsize electric blanket. I know it makes me old but they're soooo cosy...

  17. i would love to get a trip to lapland and take my boys 5 and 10. The youngest still believes so to see his face would melt my heart and even the older one would be excited and in fact so would I as this is something i have wanted since i was a little girl

  18. I HAVE ALWAYS WANTED A MR FROSTY. My parents never gave in though. I doubt this will be the year they do, so instead I'd like a big kiss from the boy I fancy, and some rather nice bookends.

  19. I'd like my favourite man, wearing nothing but a Santa hat to ask me to come sit on his knee

  20. Lucy Reynolds @tildyteacake16 December 2011 at 09:45

    For Christmas i would like there to be no power/water cuts which have been plaguing me in recent weeks! Am hoping for some running gear to inspire me to get my ever-growing arse out running again - have signed up for a 10k in the spring - eek!

  21. I would love everyone to enjoy some happiness in the coming year. I will soak every minute that comes my way not only over christmas but forever!! Merry xmas x

  22. I would love to be treated to a trip back to Tuscany with my husband and 14 month old son-it would be his first time on a plane and in the place that makes me most happiest. Lucca. Heaven.

  23. Wow! What a great selection of things... Crosses fingers. :)

    I have asked Santa for a Kitchenaid mixer, and a little elf told me I might just be getting what I asked for!

  24. I'd love a pair of new boots (I'm not fussy they can be black or brown!!) and a new purse - not much to ask for eh? Happy Christmas everyone xxx

  25. A candy floss maker please!!

  26. For the first year in our new house together I'd love some real snow on Christmas day. We haven't got much in it right now and we're still living out of boxes (it might be a microwave meal come Christmas day lol) but a good sprinkling of snow would be just magic!!

  27. However boring it it is, having recently started driving I would love a sat nav this Christmas (a desire induced by recent news stories of elderly men stuck on the m25 for 2 days). Failing that, pretty things from DS would be swell :)

  28. I would love a new pair of kinky boots and some nice legs to show off in them :o) What a fantastic prize, how exciting! Thanks girls, you're the best! ♥♥xx Have a good one xx♥♥

  29. It might be a couple of years old, but I really, really want a Mulberry Mila hobo handbag in electric blue, which'll match the colour of my car and my nails (which I'm going to be festively painting in OPI's Russian Navy). A girl can dream, can't she?

    Happy Christmas to you all at Domestic Sluttery. Thanks for your fab baking recipes, which go down a treat at my work. The mojito cake and the Mexican wacky cake are particular favourites!

  30. I've asked Father Christmas for a beautiful edition of the complete works of Edgar Allen Poe. And there's a suspiciously book-shaped package under the tree!! *SQUEEE*

  31. I would like a copy of the Domestic Sluttery book by Sian Meades, available from all god bookstores and indeed the branch of Oliver Bonas just down from my office. £18.32 on Amazon? That's a ruddy steal, guv'nor!

  32. I'm hoping for a cosy pair of Ugg boots to keep the chills out this January. Merry Christmas all! <3

  33. Sorry. That should clearly say "good bookshops", although God himself would doubtless read it.

  34. For Christmas this year I don't want a present you can unwrap. I want to be headache free. Please Lord, after 18 months, just one day of no pain to celebrate your birth?

    In more cheerful thoughts, I'd like some chocolate, because it's not Christmas if you don't over-indulge!

  35. I don't mind what I get for Christmas, as I'm happy with what I have, but I admit I'll be a bit disappointed if I don't get a set of fleecy Christmas pyjamas. Even if they're from Primark, you can't beat a fluffy gingerbread motif all over your legs.

  36. Dear Sluttery Santa, I've been very good this year and for Christmas I'd like a trip to Paris, and if I leave you out some of Heston's pine sugar mince pies, can I have someone special to share it with, too? Happy Christmas all at HQ.

  37. For Christmas i would like one of those slightly obease penguins from frozen planet! Provide me hurs of amusement watchng them wobble around! thank you kindley!Not too much to wish for i dont think! haha :) xx

  38. What an awesome giveaway! A bit predictable but this year I'm hoping for some nice perfume - I've run out and always feel like it's a bit frivolous to buy for myself, sad I know!

  39. David Tennant. Naked. Wrapped in a red bow. Oh, yes please... *daydreams* ;)

  40. I would love the Bouji chair in pavilion grey from It would turn my bedroom into a boudoir but I'm sure our kitten would scratch it to pieces!

  41. Robert Downey jr, not too much to ask, surely?

  42. For Christmas this year I would like a sodastream so I can finally invent the bubbly gravy which is sure to make me my fortune. I'd also like peace on Earth and goodwill to all men! x

  43. I am hoping to get a (very consumerist) See by Chloe bag. I saw it on Madamoiselle Robot and have been ridiculously smitten since. (A long long time ago I bought a See bag but carrying my laptop around it in whilst freelancing has ripped a giant hole in what was my first 'designer' bag!) I am very excited (I've even tirelessly blogged about my new silly bag) and will be practicising silly model-esque poses in the mirror which I shall foolishly perform in public spaces if I get it.

  44. Oh my goodness how exciting! All I really want is a nice day with the people I love for Christmas as I rarely get to see my family, although if someone wants to buy me a cheeky necklace from Parisian genius designer Locher, I won't complain AT ALL!

  45. Christmas is not Christmas without some glitter, so I am wishing for the beautifully sparkly pewter Valorie clutch from Anya Hindmarch. It'd go so well with my lace LBD...

  46. A new bikini for me and a pair of shorts for him - to convince my boyfriend that a winter holiday is NEEDED now that we have the necessities.

  47. For nostalgic purposes I would love a glow worm, a pound puppy yappie or a Cabbage Patch Kid but I would really love a brand new kitchen!!

  48. Dear Santa Sluttery, I have been very good this year so please can I have that Vivienne Westwood Anglomania dress that I've asked for, for the last three years?
    And a sausage dog puppy.
    And a cocktail ring from Les Nereides.

    Failing that I'll be just as happy with some Fuzzy Felt and Glitter Pens!

  49. I was greedy and wanted two things! Christmas with my family (they are in Oz) and made to measure curtains with the best of the best lining to keep the cold out! #totallydomestic

  50. For Christmas I would like the ice-cream maker that you featured yesterday! I'd feel like throwing a ball around for half an hour would make it totally acceptable to consume a gazillion calories!

  51. Funny you should mention Mr Frosty - I always wanted one for Christmas and never got it. I know that now I'm a wage earning adult I could go out and buy one for myself, but it's just not the same!

  52. I'd like my dad to be able to eat christmas dinner - he's having an operation so won't be able to eat proper food for a while, but i'm hoping for a christmas miracle, otherwise it'll be a very strange christmas meal in my household!

  53. I've been amazingly good this year and would like a Size 12 figure please .. and and an extra foot in height .. PLEASE ! Failing that ... a kindle will suffice ..... !!!!! Thanks Santie Pants x

  54. I really would love this amazing Guess watch i've had my eye on - I might have to buy it for myself!

  55. For Christmas, I would like one sentence of appreciation for everything I do for the undeserving twit I'm pining for. Failing that, the strength to not be so needy of validation. Failing that...lots of beautiful material things to comfort me in my madness!

  56. I'd like a dog. My four legged friend sam died last christmas and I miss our walks and cuddles.

    On a lighter note more shoe please :-)

  57. What what a brilliant prize! I'm hoping Grey's Anatomy series 6 will be under the tree this year - McDreamy oh yeah!

  58. I'm asking Santa for a pair of knee high lace up boots that fit me. Shoes that fit can be so hard to find when you have tiny feet.

  59. I'd really like a printer/scanner, so that I can start making prints of my paintings. We're having a very lean Christmas this year though, so that's not going to happen. So failing that, I'd love a book or two from my (long) amazon wishlist. ~ Sara

  60. If someone gave me a red KitchenAid mixer, a pretty dress and a small fluffy penguin to go with them, I would jump up and down many times. I'm not sure Santa provides postgrad funding....

    But I'll "settle" very happily for a cupcake courier and a cute apron from Etsy.

  61. we are spending our first christmas at home in brighton instead of traipsing off everywhere so i would love it to be no less than perfect...the christmas dinner to be yummy (and for me to remember to turn on the steamer), the cat not to knock over the tree just for one day, our 2 boys not to argue and baby belle not to come early. i promise, in return, to finish all the decorating and clean the oven in time for the big day. i don't mind what i get for christmas, i just want the first one of many at home to be memorable for all the right reasons! happy christmas everyone x

  62. I'm wishing for all my family to be together for Christmas, fingers crossed it seems I may get my wish, for the first time in 5 years! x

  63. I really, really want a Kindle! I'm sick of lugging loads of huge books around with me. Please Santa?

  64. This Christmas, I would really like Kirstie Allsopp's craft book and a breadmaker :)

  65. Warm slippers to keep my toes toasty in the freezing house!

  66. I really really want the birds of britain mug from Emma Bridgewater. It is just gorgeous and 1/2 pint of tea is definitely the right amount!

  67. If I won, my christmas would be made and I wouldn't need anything else but if I don't then please could I have a kindle, some digital kitchen scales and lots of lovely smellies and sparklies! Thank you Santa, I have been a very good girl! x

  68. All I want for Christmas is for the man that I am deeply in love with (but am currently heart-brokenly seperated from due to a silly misunderstanding) to realise that what we had is too good to throw away xxx

  69. I've asked for 3 different posh gins from three different people, Hendricks from my parents, Bloom from my sisters and "something in a pretty bottle" from my fiance. So hopefully I'll be having a VERY merry Christmas with plenty of festive spirit!

  70. All I want is for it to not snow so all the trains still run and I can definitely get out of London to see my family! On a more materialistic level, I would love a new bicycle (preferably from the lovely Bobbins Bikes) as mine has recently decided to give up.

  71. Oh my word, what a lovely treat this would be :) This Christmas I'd be pretty happy just to get a nice long lie in!

  72. Oh my gosh what a prize! All I want for Christmas is for my cat to STOP EATING MY (artificial) TREE.

  73. I would love a cranberry pink KitchenAid artisan mixer for mixing up my cakes - they are just pure kitchen eye candy!

  74. Blind Date? I thought all you won on that was a day chocolate-making or white-water rafting with Sam, the fireman from Birkenhead, and then the chance to come back afterwards and awkwardly sit on a settee with him while they show footage of his cheesy innuendoes. Ah, truly they were the glory days of Saturday night TV. But I digress...

    I did actually have a penguin helter skelter when I was younger, and it definitely lived up to all the hype. But what I'm excited about this year is adopting a rescue kitty as soon as the house is shipshape enough. So I'll probably be asking Santa for some bits and bobs to do with that...

  75. What I really wanted was the Boy home permenantly from working in Sweden, and he gets home on Monday, so that's all sorted already. Apart from that, an Orla Kiely handbag would be lovely!

  76. Every year a compile a list about 3 miles long, I never get it all but bless my fella, he does try, but this year if he manages to cut the wood I need for a DIY suitcase pet bed I will be more than happy, and while he's at it he could start stripping the hideous wallpaper in the living room. Oh, and maybe some Chanel perfume too!

  77. I wish I can move into my new flat for Christmas, so that I can fill it with these lovely presents!
    I've exchanged and I'm just waiting in limbo for a date to complete and get my keys!!!

    Failing that, wishing all readers and domestic sluts lots of happiness, good health and lots of love

  78. I would really like one of those cute coloured sewing machine (it has to be small to fit in my flat) so I can learn to sew and become a crafting godess!

  79. Izzy (@izzynicolson)16 December 2011 at 11:09

    All I want for Christmas is a few days off commuting - I may get it a bit earlier if the snow keeps at it!

    Merry Christmas! x

  80. I'm hoping Santa brings me a Tresor bracelet

  81. For Christmas, I'd love to spend it with my husband. We have to be apart every year, I go to north Wales and he stays down south.


    Nadolig Llawen xx

  82. Fantasy wish would be for a cleaner so when I'm not at work or chasing after my toddler I can actually relax. A perhaps more manageable wish is a long lie, scrummy breakfast and then watching the wee guy open his presents!

  83. All I want for Christmas is some festive twinkling and cheer!
    Clare x

  84. I would love to be able to win all of the Domestic Sluttery prizes for Christmas, THAT would be fab! It would be a little Christmas miracle for me since I never win these blog things but I try and try and try :)

  85. Stops gasping with excitement - very difficult as today is also my last day of work!!
    The real physical gift I would like is an 1930's satan short cape that has no other purpose than to look splendiferous!
    The fluffy more ephemeral gift is just to have a lovely Christmas meal with my family after a phenomenally hard year.
    Either way thanks for providing a wonderful blog which I enjoy everyday of the year.
    Merry Christmas to all.

  86. For Christmas, I'd love a bit of a willpower to ensure that my new year's resolutions last longer than last year's personal best of 3 days :)

  87. I'd really like my feet to go back to the size they were before I had my son so I can wear all the lovely shoes I have again.

    If that's too tricky, can I have all my shoes in half a size bigger.

    Still too tricky? OK, how about some of the things on my Amazon wishlist that no one has bought me for years! :)

  88. This Christmas I would really like Christmas decorations from Natural History, Rob Ryan plated from Hunkydory Home, A free range turkey from Donald Russell, earrings from Accessories Online, A sweetie hamper from Hope & Greenwood, A dress from Fever London, personally designed shoes from Upper Street, a chutney hamper from Tracklements, amazing books from the V&A, whisky glasses from Bodie & Fou, a fabulous sausage dog purse from Dutch by Design... where can Father Christmas find all these amazing things?

  89. I'd like to have a bottle of Raspberry Gin and a bottle of Edinburgh Gin, a case of really nice tonic, a nice crystal glass, a couple of lemons and some ice. Then everything else will be perfect.

    Thanks Santa x

  90. Hello Domestic sluttery people,
    Top of my wishlist is the fast recovery of my incredibly brave and wonderful best friend from the operation she has just had.At the moment my BFF is laid up at home , very bored.It would make everyones day if she be could up and about again and feeling good.
    I would most certainly be sharing the hoard with her if I won : )

  91. anything housey! i'm so excited that in the new year me and the boy are gonna have our first home! the sluts have already given me so much to buy!!

  92. i'd quite like a pair of trousers that actually fits and my favourtie V-necked top from Zara in six colours.

    OR Bridesmaids on DVD because it really is hilarious and i couldn't get the boyf to go to the cinema to see it with me and i know he'd love it.

    OR a subscription to Vogue, so i can imagine i might one day be well put together ;)

    and, obviously, world peace.

  93. I would love to have a new furnace for Christmas. I will be getting one, but it would be nice if someone else paid for it. :-)

  94. I have had my Best ever Christmas present early, when two months ago, after 4 years of waiting I recieved a double lung transplant which has saved my life. I'm still recovering from such a huge operation but looking forward to a new life getting better and better instead of worse and worse healthwise. x

  95. I've just wiped a little dribble of my chin. I say i want nothing in a solomn gesture of perspective ... and give my other half his dues .. often he delivers exactly what i ask for. I mean seriously - if i say i want nothing what i mean is i want a pair of freshwater pearl earings from westwoodrocks you eejit.

  96. I'm being greedy and asking for lots of things this year! My main wish is for an easier time for my parents, but I'd also like it not to snow on Boxing Day so I can drive down south to see my boyfriend. And I'd love a pair of purple Fly London boots and some Ghost perfume!

  97. I would particularly like the whiskey glasses, so I can toast the fact i have just got rid of my waste-of-space boyfriend for good! Only 9years, 1 month and 2 days of my life officially wasted-so now I would liek to get wasted! thanks xx

  98. Hello,
    It's weird, and laughable, how I spend the whole year thinking of what I want and when asked I can't seem to dig out an answer.

    After a good few minutes of thinking of ONE present I have come to an answer [I think]:


    I say I think because I know after a few minutes of posting this I will think "I could have typed this, or that"

    Sending out warm Christmas Wishes and Holiday Wishes to everyone,
    Lou Lou

  99. I want my academic supervisor to return my PhD draft and say it's absolutely perfect and there's nothing more needs doing to it! Please Santa!

  100. OMG thats a amazing prize, I really hoping for tickets to a show this year, and I have dropped huge hints so i hope I get them!! :)

  101. This is an amazing prize, I would be completely delighted to win! This Christmas I'm hoping for a new fabulous pair of boots that will keep me warm when the inevitable snow comes!

    Denise - @thatdenisegirl_
    [email protected]

  102. My house is old and very draughty so I'd like a house-sized Mulberry pear jumper to make it cosy. Failing that, a Tor-sized one to keep me warm. And some socks please.
    Merry Christmas!

  103. I have already received one present of being able to spend more time with my boys but I would love to go on our first family holiday with my OH and my two baby boys.

  104. All I want for christmas is a banana guard (!!

  105. Really good nail polish in shades of sexy and funky.

  106. I would like Heathrow Airport to be snow free and fully functioning this Christmas so my fiance and I can make it to Canada in one piece! I don't mind so much if we get snowed in over there...

  107. After 7 wonderful years with my lovely other half all I would love for Christmas is a lovely sparkly engagement ring! *sigh*

  108. I would like to spend some awesome time with my boyfriend visiting from Mexico and some very cute pig-shapes chocolate moudls I saw at Selfridges!

  109. A lovely hug and a kiss from my boyfriend on Christmas morning.

  110. For Christmas this year I don't really want anything big just some really cosy warm slippers :)

  111. I would like good will and peace on earth for all...oh, and a really big box of malteasers and a bottle of fizz would be nice!

  112. You know, the best present I will get this Christmas is seeing others opening the gifts I've given them. I love the look on their faces, the smiles, the laughs and the joy. It really does make my Christmas. Oh and a Terrys Chocolate Orange. I mean, it won't be Christmas without one!

  113. I'd like a bar of Almond Green & Blacks and a bucket of patience as it'll be the first year I spend Christmas with my new young niece and nephew and it might be a tiring one..

  114. For Christmas this year I'd like inspiration to beautify my tired looking bathrooms, some tiles for said bathroom and some shoes from Upper Street (darn you girls I've never craved any shoes before now!). And to spend the day with my boyfriend and friends - cause I know I will love the look on their faces when they open their presents!

  115. An embroidery hoop stand and some monies! I've got a wedding to plan and both would be useful!

  116. On a material note, I'd love a bunny dish drainer and someone to always wash up! but on a very serious note, this christmas will be tough on so many people for lots of different reasons, my friend for example recently lost her child. For these people, the ones who are so sad they can't feel anything else, I hope they find some solace and hope for the new year.

  117. A proposal and something sparkly in a ring shaped box please.

  118. I desperately want the Wonder Woman KitchenAid. Who doesn't want a superhero themed kitchen appliance?! NOBODY! *goes off to staple pictures of wish list to boyfriend's desk*

  119. Ooooo can I pleeeeeease have a kitten? Pretty pretty please? A teeny tiny warm ball of fluffy love to make my little flat a home? I swear I've been good (at some things)!

  120. All I want for Christmas is world peace! (Oh and makeup, shoes, clothes, money, ipad and pretty things)

  121. Id love a new bike, my current one was my mum, its 70 years old and amazing but the pedals are falling off & the brakes don't work when it rains. failing that, id settle for some new slippers & chocolate money really.

  122. Mine is easy.....Dylan Moran, wrapped in nothing but tinsel ;) !!!

  123. I want an iPhone for Christmas :)

  124. Ooh, it's so dark outside once you get home from work... I'd love a bottle of nice red and my own BODYWEIGHT in (British, of course) cheeses. [I'd share them and everything, and probably munch my way through it with 'Love Actually' and/or 'A Christmas Story' on in the background. With fairy lights for illumination.] Come on, Boy, read my mind...

  125. Some aromatherapy candles - they make the room smell lovely and double up as moisturiser! Perfect.

  126. For christmas I want to see the smile and happiness on my 3 childrens faces as they open there gifts.

    oh and a few pairs of Ironfist shoes

  127. I would like some driving lessons! I'm sick to death of my daily commute on rubbish buses and my friends are sick of me moaning about it, so I'd like the gift of freedom please :D

  128. New wellingtons please! Ones that are good for splashing around in snow/mud/puddles.

    Oh and for me to not undercook or even burn the turkey (my first year cooking for the family!)

  129. Some comfy boots to walk off the christmas grub

  130. I'm hoping that after almost 6 years my boyfriend might finally get his act together and produce some kind of sparkly ring + proposal! But thats still pretty unlikely, in which case I'll happily settle for spending the day together in pyjamas, watching Christmas films and trying to fend the cats off my Christmas dinner *little furry turkey thieves*

  131. I'm driving home for Christmas tomorrow, and after last year with my sister having to work I'm just wishing for us to all be together - eating, squabbling and being happy! If there's a cheeky Christmas candle under the tree as well the day will be complete!

  132. I would like lots of beautiful yarn to knit with, and some feel-good films to watch while I knit.

  133. Oooh I L.O.V.E Christmas...I'm wishing for a snuggly blanket, fleecy slippers and an unlimited supply of sloe gin (the perfect winter tipple! Here's hoping someone will grant my wishes!

  134. whoops, but I didn't say what I wanted for xmas! I'd love a new DAB radio for our new flat!

  135. Some 80s cartoon boxsets with bad animation and catchy theme songs, and a large box of wham bars. All so I can wallow in nostalgia so I can pretend I'm not almost 30.

    And booze. So help me I need it.

    And maybe some lego.

  136. I'm going old school this Christmas and asking for a Sega Megadrive complete with Ecco the Dolphin and Alex Kidd.

  137. On my Christmas list this year is a kettle, a toaster, a knife block, a spice rack, a microwave (I'm moving house, can you tell?) and the Domestic Sluttery book so I have something to read on Christmas day!

    (Sycophantic? Moi?)

  138. I'd like a really nice leather satchel. Hvaing a lovely new bag to carry willl make coming back to work after Chrimbo just a little bit brighter :)

    Hope Santa is listening.

  139. I'm wishing for the ultimate cupcake making kit :)

  140. Really, the thing I'd like most for Crimbo is just a lie-in. A really long one where you wake up, roll over, realise you've been asleep for ages, and just go back to sleep. Sounds like bliss to me!!

  141. I've been dropping serious hints for my beau to deliver me Eric Northman, wrapped up and with a bow. He seems to think that the fact Eric Northman is a fantasy character who doesn't exist in the real world is a fair reason not to put him under the Christmas tree... but I disagree!

  142. I would like to somehow not embarrass myself in front of my boyfriend's shockingly posh parents at their Christmas dinner... I have visions of Bridget Jones but with less charming ditziness and more lumbering buffoonery. And thanks to a course of antibiotics I wont even be able to drown my fears in hot buttered rum... This can only go badly!

  143. I'd love a pug and to be sent on a baking course. Cupcakes I can do. Frosting? Not so much! Merry Christmas loves x

  144. Dear Tinselly and Sparkly Sluts pretty please for Christmas this year may I have a magic pill that allows me to eat all the goodies until I have pastry and turkey coming out of my ears without resembling a Christmas pudding by January.
    Oh and of course world peace...... and a drop of sloe gin! Thank you very much your ever dutiful Lapland Elf. XXxxxXX

  145. I would love a food processor for Christmas but I'm not sure Santa can stretch that far this year. Good exercise for me if not anyway :)

  146. I'm hoping for a lovely huge handbag, big enough for my lunch, umbrella and assorted weird old receipts!

  147. I am so so so in love with the very tacky but very wonderful plastic tiki mugs, and I'm hoping for a couple of those to brighten up my cupboards!

  148. I have fifteen pages worth of stuff on my amazon wish list that I'd love to have, but most off all I wish I had a plane ticket home so that I could see my family whom I miss like crazy!

  149. Actually, given the choice I wouldn't get something for me - one of my family has had problems swallowing since an operation in the spring and for Christmas I'd really like her to be able to eat dinner!
    But for me, a kiss from the chap I fancy would definitely work out quite well...

  150. This year i was my fella to put a bit of thought into my gift for once! amazing giveaway thankyou @lillyfer85

  151. It may seem corny but all I'm wishing for is a lovely Christmas with my family and watching them open their presents - I've got them some extra special ones this year as a thank you for them helping out A LOT with decorating our house and for promising to give us a wonderful wedding next year. I can't wait for the food, wine and good times!

    (But I have asked Santa for a Nails Inc set, you know, just so I have something to open!)

  152. I would like a wedding proposal (and a big rock of an engagement ring) from my partner - only 21 years of waiting so far but I'm ever hopeful! Faily that, the shoes the shoes (the Upper Street ones) *sigh*

  153. I would love a new pair of K2 skis for my holiday in January with my parents and lovely fella, plus some snow!

    Or the Pheasant Jumper from Joules, because it's called Phaedra... and so am I!

  154. All I want for Christmas is to have the time to spend it with my mum. Due to my job I haven't been able to do so for about 10 years now, and I miss it terribly.

  155. I'm wishing for perfume samples! I can't get enough of things that smell delicious. :)

    (Failing that, a day without pain would be nice, but I think I've got more chance of the perfume. :P)

  156. Please Santa can I have a puppy that will get on with my cat? Failing that, some Nancy Mitford books and some comfy socks will do nicely.

  157. Well the present i would love is a pair of dior shoes i have been after for ages!!! but i would prefer all my family around me for xmas would be my ultimate wish

  158. I'd love a little Kitty friend for my darling Mario. Please, Santa?

  159. Dearest Santa,
    Can you magic my boyfriend back from Bermuda, or me over there? He lives there now and all the Christmas songs about how lonely/ rubbish it is at Christmas without your love are getting me down. Or you could make Christmas songs be happy? Either is good!
    Best wishes,
    p.s I'll totally get you some fancy sherry.

  160. I would love to give my husband a son but am unable to have anymore children due to complications and I would love to be able to spend a family Christmas with mine & my husbands grandparents and my dad whom are all sadly missed so to win this competition and maybe spoil my nearest & dearest would be fab & make my Christmas so much more pleasant :-) x

  161. I would love an astronaut outfit fo my cat and a new house and glittery shoes x x

  162. I would like a really snugly pair of slippers and some gin to drink whilst wearing them!

  163. I would really like a cosy Christmassy jumper and some thermal vests.

  164. i would love an ipad but also how much would i love a mr frosty! totally forgot about them


  165. I would like some new slippers, as these ones are far too big for me and keep causing me to fall on my face. Although hilarious for everyone around me, I'm getting a bit bored of choosing between cold feet and falling over!

  166. I would love, more than anything else, a proper 'Hollywood' mirror with lightbulbs around it for me to do my hair and make up in. My tiny bathroom can only accommodate a postage stamp size one though so I often look rather dishevelled on leaving the perhaps Santa could magic me up a lovely, glam, sluttery styled dressing room to house it in too.

  167. A Coffee Machine. Any decent one, i`m not fussy!

  168. I definitely want all of these fabulous prizes!! I'm also hoping to find some Lush Christmas goodies in my stocking, as long, lazy afternoon baths are my absolute favourite way to relax and get a moment to myself at this busy time of year.

  169. I want something/anything to do with Doctor Who. (I'm obsessed with it)

  170. I would like some of those things you can attach to your shoes so you don't fall over in snow and ice when going to work...yes I have the irrational fear of falling over, especially on ice!!

  171. This year, as ever year for as long as I can remember, I dream of waking up to a little whippet puppy or rescue lurcher in my christmas stocking. I know a dog is for life, not just for christmas, and I would love to have a little four legged friend to share my life with ( not sure my cat would approve but anyway...). Winter walk on Hampstead Heath, summers on the beach, and lunch time walks. I keep looking at Lurcher and Greyhound Rescue day I'll just go for it!

  172. I would like to get a drumkit for Christmas, I know it'll annoy the neighbours, but I've wanted one for a-g-e-s.
    From Lisa Age 33 and 3 quarters

  173. I'm wishing for a book deal! Failing that, some gloves and perfume and lots booze might be nice :)

  174. I'd love a wire sculpture lamp by the amazing Pascale Palun - I've lusted after them for years. Gorgeous!

  175. ....what other than world peace and fat bellies for all? Ok I would really like the green tweed coat with the bright pink toggles in the local shop in the village. As a single mum with no family - sob sob - I will happily make do with whatever my daughter makes me - unless of course I win this! Kisses and christmas wishes all round xxxx

  176. I would love for Jamie Oliver to come to my house and cook us all Christmas dinner, so I can enjoy the day playing with my kids xx

  177. A baby penguin (a grey fluffy one), or failing that a baby polar bear (a non-mauly one), off of Frozen Planet. Merry Christmas! - Jane

  178. I'd like a figure slim enough to show off that lovely red dress. Ankles tough enough to totter about in designer shoes... and a new 'friend' to share the turkey dinner with, followed by a snuggle on the sofa with shared whiskey and sweeties while watching Christmas tv. Well, you did ask for a Christmas wish! ~_^

  179. I'd like to make someone's day with some of this stuff. :)

  180. I really wanted a puppy for Christmas, and was all geared up for a full-on temper tantrum if I didn't finally get one this year...but we got an adorable dog 2 weeks ago, so now I don't care what I get!

  181. I'd love something thoughtful from the bf, and a long-distance call from my parents!

  182. oops that link didn't work!!! I am at @rubydickens

    Ruby said...

    I'd love a flat stomach for Christmas!!! Or Gin!

  183. For Christmas I'd just really like to be with my family.

  184. The present I want is that my husband (who works his socks off to provide for us) will put down his computer for a few days and we will get to spend time together. Every year it makes all the times I don't have him to myself worth it <3

  185. I would like to wake up on Christmas morning to discover that Santa and his elves tidied the place up while they were dropping of presents. Oh, and I'd be quite happy if those presents included a kindle.

  186. I practically begged for a a set of purple Prestige pans....everyone scoffed so I bought them myself!! :D Happy Christmas, to me, from me!

    I need some trainers as mine have a huge hole in them and they leak terrible which is not ideal in this current weather!

    And some books and bath melts would be nice.

    The thing I would most like is something that unfortunately cannot be purchased, nor wrapped - I wish for health and happiness for me and my loved ones!

  187. For Christmas I have asked for a recipe book/organiser and a nice knitted dress to keep me warm. What I am really dreaming of though is a white Christmas. This will be my last one on this side of the world as I am dragging my boyfriend to Australia next year and I really want it to snow and look so pretty!

  188. What a fantastic prize, for christmas I'd love a new laptop.

  189. I would love an i-phone and some chocolate!
    merry christmas to all xx

  190. I would like to be able to go on holiday with my Husband over the summer at a time that is good for both our busy lives. I know it is in the summer, but if I could be given the time in advance to use when I wanted, that would be very good indeed.
    Failing that, some lovely new warm jumpers and much delicious chocolate!

  191. I'd love to have a luxurious recession free christmas stocking! Preferably opened with my mum and best girlfriends drinking bubbly while the dad and the boys have a cheeky festive half round the corner before lunch!

  192. In an ideal world, I would love a brightly coloured Kenwood mixer, but I'd be more than happy with the River Cottage Veg book and some nice socks.

  193. For Christmas I'd love to have a newer car that runs forever on a tank of fuel. Or, I'd settle for legs that never need shaving, a house that cleans itself or, barring those options, I'd love those pretty earrings! Okay, I'd really like any of the prizes, but don't know if you'd be up for shipping a free range bird, say, to Boston in the US!

  194. For christmas i want a level playing field with my girlfriend - I'm batting well above my average. Sadly plastic surgery is too expensive so I need a way to compensate, which is where you come in by providing me with a wealth of amazing presents for her!

  195. Last year my brilliant husband bought me an amazing tambourine for christmas...the only thing my percussion set is missing now is a nice set of triangle beaters so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Santa has noticed. Unconventional, perhaps, but it'd make me smile!

  196. I would love love to get a place on the Midwifery course I've applied to which starts next year. It would be the most amazing christmas, new year, birthday and any other reason to get a present present!!!

  197. Charlotte Fordyce17 December 2011 at 19:32

    I would like to have some new things to decorate my student house :) and a Jack Wills blanket to keep me warm at dancing competitions!

  198. All I want for Christmas is some time and new books. I can't wait for my 2 weeks off and being able to do nothing but read and eat! Oh, and a big box of chocolates.
    Great prize, my fingers are crossed xx

  199. For Christmas I would love me 3 month old to sleep the whole night through! I would settle for this fantastic prize though! :) x


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