Wednesday 21 March 2012

Wrapping Paper Wednesday: Evergreen Fabric Wrap

I'm not very good at wrapping presents. If we're friends, I will spend hours choosing the perfect gift. I will trawl shops until I find the thing that is just right. And then you're very likely to get it in a gift bag. Wrapping is hard. But The Green Giving Co. sell Evergreen Wraps, and the reusable cotton wrap is my saviour.

The wraps are 100% cotton, and they make wrapping easy. You're allowed to have lumps and bumps when you're wrapping with cotton, it's expected. People get so distracted by the prettiness, they don't even notice that I can't wrap things up properly.

Frances wrapped my birthday gift in Evergreen Wrap last year, and you can use the wrap for all sorts of things. I wrap up my laptop in it when I'm popping it in my handbag.

It's also excellent for the 'I forgot your birthday' gifts. Buy six bars of chocolate, wrap them in pretty fabric wrapping on the bus to the birthday party and no one will really care that their present came from Londis.

The 'paper' is £3.99 a sheet and available from The Green Giving Co. They also make bespoke wraps, if you want to make your gifts super special. Go buy some and make presents pretty for everyone. (We like jewellery.)

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