Wednesday 25 April 2012

Wallpaper Wednesday: Rachael Taylor

Rachael Taylor is actually from Wirral in Merseyside, but she then went on to study textile and fashion design at Leeds University. Her designs aren't just for wallpaper - you'll see them on fabrics as well. Basically, if there's a plain surface, Rachael wants to scribble on it.

The girl doesn't come with the paper. Which is a shame, because we really like her hat. Of course, you can buy clothes from Rachael Taylor. They're all in such fun prints.

Rachael's designs are available all over the world - she's done a lot in a short space of time. Lisa mentioned this morning that some of her pieces are sold in Heart Gallery and you can buy Rachael's work from Bouf as well.

If it's Rachael's wallpaper you're after you can see her entire collection at Wallpaper Direct. I'd be happy with any of these in my home - they're striking, they're bold but they're not way too over the top. They're just right, aren't they?

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