Tuesday 13 November 2012

Thornback & Peel Sofa Range

Thornback & Peel's designs make my heart sing. Pink jellies, grey pigeons and cabbages and rabbits. In the hands of anyone else, it would look like an overly twee Alice in Wonderland. Thornback & Peel make quirky look classy. The guys at sofa.com agree and they've made a whole range of Thornback & Peel sofas and chairs.

JELLY ARMCHAIR. Colour me happy, that's a blimmin' lovely chair. Actually, I'd be very happy if my entire house looked like that. I do love a book shelf arranged by colour.

I like the sofa as well. The grey is a much better option for the bigger piece of furniture. I'm all for the open bottle of bourbon, but I can't quite explain the top hat...

...nope, I got nothin'.

I love the bright Ottoman with the grey sofa. And the Thornback & Peel linen cushions look wonderful. My housemates would think it normal if I just threw loads of cushions all over the floor like that, right?

Or maybe you'd prefer your jellies and cakes in yellow? (Seriously, where is this house? I'd jolly well like to move in.)

Yep, rabbits and cabbages all over a double bed. My bed looks so boring in comparison.

Prices start at £690 for the Ottoman and whoosh all the way to £Idon'twanttotellyouit'llmakeyoucry for the sofa. If that's out of your budget, you can always buy their fabrics and have a bash yourself.


  1. Aren't those amazing? If only I had that kind of cash... I'd get the green ottoman.

  2. Love that you can buy their fabrics!


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