Monday 3 December 2012

Sugar And Vice And All Things Nice

If you want dainty, elegant, delicate jewellery, you're better off looking at Sian's posts. Me? I prefer something a little more kitsch and silly. Something that makes you laugh AND immediately dig out your credit card.

Sugar and Vice had me at its name. They're an independent jewellery who make fab, fun jewellery. Like Tatty Devine, they favour acrylic - but unlike them, they don't charge a millionty pounds. Let's start with a necklace that sums up their ethos:

Stag in disguise necklace, £15

It's a stag in disguise! That sounds like the punchline to a joke, but it's actually a necklace made of acrylic and wood. Everyone you meet will ask what it is. You can casually reply "oh, just a stag in disguise. Yes, it is a rubbish disguise - he should have concealed his antlers as a clothes horse at least." You will immediately mark yourself out as super cool.

Comic book name necklace, £8.95
Your name in comic book font for £8.95 - KAPOW! And yes, I DID choose this picture because it's almost my name. They do a huge range of fonts and styles if you want something different, from roller derby lettering to scrabble tiles to spiky horror film font. These personalised speech bubble necklaces are an excellent way of displaying your favourite lyrics or poem too.

Bluebird necklace, £9
The bluebirds have escaped and they're flying at your ears! Fly free, tiny bluebirds! I hope you'll be ok in the wild! Oh, I'm worried about them now. It's very cold and they're domestic pets. I'm sure they'll be home for teatime. The site describes the colour as "matte silver" which I believe is designer speak for "grey".

Shark necklace, £18
Paging Kat! Our resident shark fan would love this chap around her neck. The detailed, layered acrylic isn't for the faint-hearted at 6cm across. Then again, you're unlikely to be wearing a ferocious predator if you're in any way timid.

Lightning bolt earrings, £8
They don't just do ace necklaces - check out these mirrored lightning bolt earrings. Side note: I tried to remember who'd featured lightning earrings before on the site, and it turns out it was me. Ahem.

Check out the rest of Sugar and Vice for more jewellery, including rings, bracelets and brooches. At these prices you can afford to adopt the "one for you, two for me" approach to gift shopping too.


  1. Do you think De Anna Kiernan is elegant and dainty? You could take someone's eye out with her jewllery!

    Also, I love these. SHARKS!

    1. That's true. I think I mean it's not made of acrylic and shaped like sharks. It's proper lady jewellery.

  2. ARRRAAAARRRGGHHHHH I love it all! What a brilliant shop Sara.

    1. Isn't it fun? I got quite giddy just flicking through everything.


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