Friday 21 December 2012

The Christmas Recipe Roundup

It's very nearly time for us to hang up our stockings and get Home Alone on the telly. Sluttery HQ is feeling well and truly festive. But just to help you out a little over the festive period, here's a collection of our Christmas recipes from this year. Combine this little lot with the Christmas roundup we did last year (that's where you'll find our recipes for braised red cabbage and snowstorm cupcakes) and you'll have enough Christmas food to feed a very festive army.

The savoury goodies.

Let's kick off with some Christmas canapes, which will be a perfect treat on Christmas eve. and get some kedgeree in you. This is the perfect Christmas morning treat (and it'll rid you of any Christmas eve hangover). if the hangover just won't shift (were you on the Amaretto mulled wine?) then just have a peruse through our top ten bacon recipes.

Hazel's Christmas cock (quiet at the back) looks blimmin' gorgeous. You can totally use the Clementine butter on turkey. As for accompaniments, we're hell bent on making you love sprouts so we've done them four different ways (with gin and bacon, mainly). If you're still not convinced by sprouts doused in gin then try our roasted beetroot instead. We've also got a mega seasonal chestnut veloute recipe for you to try (it's perfect for smothering your carbs in) and an eldersherry jelly recipe to go with your bird. Laura B is all about the potato latkes this year and the rest of us are going googly eyed for gratin. Oh, and don't forget the veggie stuffing and the Yorkshire Puddings (they're gluten free). And we've got three ways to do your pigs in blankets.

Once Christmas day is over, if can't face any more leftover turkey, then a glazed ham is the ideal Boxing Day indulgence. Laura V's pork and apple sauce sliders are perfect for when you're sick to the back teeth of festive food. Or smother our chicken liver parfait on crusty bread and get to work on our top ten pie recipes.

Once that's all too much, have a total (tasty) detox with this turkey noodle soup.

The sweet stuff.

Everyone has been going nuts for Alex E's Mulled Wine Chocolate Cake (understandable, it's bloody tasty). If you've got friends over, then you should all have a bash at making Gingerbread mug houses (check out some of the AMAZING creations on our Facebook page).

If you're after snacky sweet things, then you should definitely get on the Whisky brittle shortbread and Christmas cupcakes with brandy buttercream. Santa totally needs some Christmas sugar cookies left out for him on Christmas eve. For Christmas day we've got some excellent gluten free options in the way of Clootie dumpling and Ecclefechan tart. And for new year's we're going to be eating Pina Colada Trifle thank you very much. Let's also make mulled pears. If there's an opportunity for mulling in the next ten days, we're taking it with both hands and adding cloves before you can say a damn thing.

If you're a fudge fan, we've got you covered with beer fudge and mince pie fudge to choose from (don't forget the top ten fudge and caramel recipes). And if you're still not done with your festive baking, you'll find even more inspiration on in our Just Desserts cinnamon round up (oh go on, have the cheesecake and the chocolate ones as well, you GLUTTON).

The booze.

If you were organised, your Christmas drinks gifts will have been on the go a long time ago, but fear not! Some of them don't need much time at all. Rhubarb and custard vodka will be ready in time for a Christmas eve tipple and so will your bacon bourbon if you get a wriggle on. And that amaretto mulled wine will tip you right over the edge into tipsiness.

Want something more traditionally festive? Then it's Christmas pudding vodka all the way. Or just smother yourself in gingerbread syrup for the rest of the year. Whatever you're eating and drinking this Christmas, we hope you're doing it with fabulous people.

1 comment:

  1. Oh gosh I don't know which ones to make first - the mince pie fudge, mulled wine chocolate cake, the gingerbread mug houses or the kedegree - they all sounds and look scrumptious. Thanks for sharing this round up - super useful and mouth watering!


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