Wednesday 20 February 2013

Etsy Pick: Love Mimo

I'm signed up to roughly eleven billion mailing lists (not all by choice). My inbox is bombarded, which honestly comes with the job and at least gives me something to read when my train stops for ages outside London Bridge station (how is there congestion?)

There are a few newsletters that I read the second they land in my inbox. Brain Pickings brightens up my Sunday, and the Etsy newsletter is consistently brilliant. Perfectly compiled and containing some of the yummiest pieces you'll find. Best of all, you can request UK-only so everything you see will have reasonable postage charges.

This is how I came across Love Mimo.

Love Mimo is an accessories designer, creating everything from fascinators and pill box hats to leather maskes and head pieces. I quite fancy that leather mask, y'know. For all of those sexy masquerade balls that I might get invited to like the ones they had in Gossip Girl when the plot required someone to snog someone they shouldn't.

I can't wear this hat. I'm not even going to try. But I like the variation in the designs - from masks to pillboxes in one quick hyperlink. Prices are terribly reasonable - everything is kicking about the £60 mark, which I sort of see as a 'pay day was a week ago, oh bugger it' sort of price level. Postage is a fiver.

My name is Sian, I quite fancy pretending to be the queen today. You can't stop me, I've got a headband with a crown on it.

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