Tuesday 26 March 2013

Sluttishly Sweet: Boozy Chocolate Fudge Trifle

Having had so much fun decorating my triple chocolate fudge cake with soldiers last week I've gone all Easter themed today and broken out the fluffy chicks and mini eggs for this Easter themed trifle. I've also used up some leftover fudge cake (leftover cake...WHAT???) but you can substitute any rich chocolate cake, go for one thats got chocolate icing though or even chocolate swiss roll would be great.

This is a super rich, decadent trifle and it really does need a bit of booze to cut through all the creaminess, I've used Cointreau but you could use, amaretto, brandy, rum, Baileys (their orange truffle or biscotti flavours would be amazing but be warned it will be mega creamy) or marsala would be bloody wonderful also. I also added maple syrup to my chocolate custard layer, it's maple syrup season right now and what better way to celebrate than by piling it into a trifle. This trifle can be eaten straight away but it's even better made the day before and decorated just before serving (as the mini eggs will stain colour into the cream)

Boozy Chocolate Fudge Trifle (serves 4-5)
You will need:
  • 200g leftover chocolate cake (or enough to cover the bottom of your trifle bowl)
  • 50ml Cointreau (or your preferred booze)
  • 200g raspberries (fresh or frozen)
  • 500ml fresh custard
  • 100g plain dark chocolate (I used Green & Black's Maya Gold to continue the orange theme)
  • 1 tbsp maple syrup (optional)
  • 300ml double cream
  • Seeds from half a vanilla pod
  • Mini eggs and fluffy chicks to decorate (cute fluffy chicks definitely optional)
Make it!
  1. Cover the bottom of your trifle bowl with chocolate cake, you want a layer of at least 3cm and pack it quite densely.
  2. Pour over your booze then a layer of raspberries. Use half of the custard to add a layer of vanilla custard over the fruit.
  3. Pour the remaining custard in a saucepan, chop the chocolate into small pieces (or grate it) then add the pan and heat gently whilst stirring until the chocolate has melted, stir in the maple syrup (or even more booze if you wish) remove from the heat and allow to cool for a few minutes before pouring over the vanilla custard.
  4. Put the cream in a bowl, add the vanilla seeds and beat until quite firm. Once the chocolate custard is completely cold spoon over the whipped cream then decorate. 

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