Friday 22 March 2013

Friday Five: cool cosmetics bags

It's Friday, it's half three. That means one of my most important rituals of the week is about to begin: my transformation from work weary wage slave into glamorous (well, I try) girl about town. An unsung hero in this ritual? The humble cosmetic bag reliably carting my make-up about town. And if you're making yourself pretty, surely your bag should be pretty too. Here's five of my favourites.

Sew Lomax makes exquisitely embroidered bags, such as this nail varnish make-up bag. It's certainly more attractive than my nail varnish collection. Joy of joys it's wipe clean. It's yours for £30.

I love the bright colours on this stained glass bag from Etoile (added bonus is that if your lip stain leaks accidentally, it'll blend right into the design). Prices start at £27.

Lisa Levis (the designer originally behind Lisa Stickley) has just launched Ada Rose, a range of beautifully patterned bags and scarves. Feminine without being too girlie, this tea rose design is better known as Edith, and is £30.

Want to look the best on show? Take some tips from the best in show with these perfectly posed pooches. Michelle Mason's poodle make-up bag is priced at £15.

Another of my favourite designer ladies, Snowden Flood, has produced this gorgeous Art Deco-inspired Diving Lady Wash Bag. It's £22 and the perfect accessory for Kat's local pool outings. Or a night on the tiles. Happy Friday fun times.

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