Friday 22 March 2013

Let Her Eat Cake: Raspberry Ripple Cake

Let Her Eat Cake: Raspberry Ripple Cake
What could be more retro than a marble cake? Remember the ones that would always turn up at the Primary School bring and buy sale? Well this one has grown up. Half raspberry ripple, half marble, this one would saunter through the school gates in a pair of stilettos and a puff-ball skirt and start flirting with the most attractive teacher by the ice cream van.

Don't omit the vanilla pod if you can help it - the rich, exotic scent as you slice it open is incredibly addictive, and the flavour will transform your cake from sweet and sticky to suave and sultry.

Raspberry Ripple Cake
You will need:
For the cake
  • 175g butter, softened
  • 175g caster sugar
  • 3 free range eggs
  • 140g self-raising flour
  • 1 vanilla pod or 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 25g ground almonds
  • 1-2 tbsp milk
  • 3 tbsp raspberries (fresh or fully defrosted)
For the topping 
  • 2 large tbsp raspberry jam 
  • 2 tbsp ground almonds
Make it!
The cake:
  1. Pre-heat your oven to 180C/350F/Gas mark 4. Grease and line a 900g / 2lb loaf tin.
  2. Cream together the butter and sugar until light and fluffy. 
  3. Beat the eggs, then add to the mixture gradually, with 2 teaspoons of the flour to stop the mixture from separating. Mix well. 
  4. Using the point of a sharp knife, scrape the seeds from the vanilla pod and stir into the mixture (Or add the vanilla extract, if using). 
  5. Sift in the remaining flour in batches, folding in using a metal spoon. Add the almonds, along with enough milk to make a smooth batter and stir gently to combine. 
  6. Place the raspberries in a separate bowl and mash into a puree. 
  7. Take 2 tbsp of the batter and add to the raspberries, stirring well. 
  8. Using a separate spoon for each mixture, dollop the batters into the tin alternately, making sure the bottom and sides of the tin are evenly covered. 
  9. Smooth over the top. Use a skewer to drag through the mixture in swirls to create a ripple effect. 
  10. Bake for 40-50 minutes, until the top is set and a skewer comes out clean. Leave to cool in the tin for a few minutes, then turn out onto a wire rack and remove the greaseproof paper. 
The topping:
  1. Gently melt the raspberry jam in a saucepan, adding a quick splash of water if it looks too thick. Set aside. 
  2. In a dry frying pan gently toast the almonds, tossing frequently until golden brown. (Careful, they'll burn the moment you've got your back turned...) 
  3. Spoon the raspberry syrup evenly over the cooled cake and scatter with toasted almonds to decorate. 


  1. Yes please, on this cold cold day.

  2. Oh, HELLO. I'm all over this. Looks lush!

  3. Er looks AMAZING! I fully hate almonds, is there anything you'd suggest as an alternative? x

  4. Han, I used to be a hater too, until almond croissants made me see the light. You could use hazelnuts instead perhaps - get some blanched ones and grind them in a coffee or spice grinder.

  5. Fab. Substituted black currants for raspberries, made 2 x 1lb loaves instead of one loaf. Really nice - thank you x

  6. I elaborated on this lovely recipe with some coarse-cut almonds, a little lemon zest (sunny Mediterranean lemons) and some naughty white chocolate chunks... Thanks for paving the way - it was devoured berry enthusiastically. ;-)

  7. My friend made this as my office leaving cake! It was so tasty. And the raspberry ripple made a smiley face.

  8. Oooh Geraldine, that sounds splendid, especially with fresh, zingy mediterranean lemons. And a pun! Always appreciated.

    Glad you had a chance to try Sian!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I tried this and it looked great but drooped in the middle after I took it out the oven.. Maybe I didn't fold in the flour gently enough or maybe added the eggs too fast?

    Also, I didn't get how to make the ripples come out nice. Are you saying that you add one spoon of plain mixture in and the put one spoon of the raspberry mixture on top of that?

    It tasted bloomin fabulous though!

  11. Hi Andy! Glad to hear it tasted great (love raspberries). Did you open the door at all whilst the cake was mid-way through baking? That can sometimes cause the structure to fall. Folding the flour in gently (so that it's just combined but there are no streaks showing) also means that it will rise better.

    I spooned my mixture in alternately, so one spoon of plain, then one spoon of raspberry next to each other (rather than on top of each other) in the tin, then swirled the skewer through it all.

    Hope that helps and that you enjoyed the cake anyway!

  12. Thanks Laura, the first one I put the spoonfuls in side by side but it didn't swirl at all, I tried again tonight with it on top of each other so I'll see how that turns out when it has cooled down enough for me to slice it


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