Tuesday 2 April 2013

Pretty Ways with Paper (that aren't bunting)

For me, the bunting trend officially fluttered its last with the arrival of the bad bunting. But it's still hanging around. And that's because, twee cliche or not, bunting still looks so pretty. However, if you want something bright and cheerful to brighten up a room, why restrict your use of paper to triangles on a bit of ribbon? Here are five other alternatives for adding a touch of decorative whimsy in your home, for when you really want to push the (paper) boat out...

One stylish option which proves that mobiles are definitely not only for kids is this paper bird mobile, designed by &Klevering. It's available from SCP, and definitely worth a flutter at £17.

If you prefer your paper birds to fly free - and at a bit of a cheaper price point - these paper swallow decorations might be just the thing to adorn your nest. They're crafted from
hand-made paper and a set of four is just £4.95 from Dotcomgiftshop.

This moth shade is the only sort of moths I, and my jumpers, want flitting around my house. Made by Rose Cobb, it's pretty with the light off so imagine how lovely it will look adorning a glowing bulb. It's £79 from All Things Original.

Before you get carried away picturing this decorating your favourite cocktail, I should tell you this paper parasol is actually 57cm high. Unless you like drinking your cocktail by the vat, this parasol would be better served brightening up an unused fireplace, or a dingy-looking corner. And, priced at an unbelievable £2.95, it'll leave plenty of money over for real-life cocktails too. It's also from Dotcomgiftshop.

Finally, if you can't tear yourself away completely from the joy of bunting, may I point you in the direction of Papermash, a shop full of the very loveliest garlands and pompoms? My favourite are these colourful butterfly and flower tissue paper banners. At £4.50 each, they'll definitely put the "cor!" into your decor. And not a twee triangle in sight...

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