Thursday 13 June 2013

Cute or Creepy? Animal Staple Removers

This is my maiden voyage into the realms of cute or creepy because, frankly, I can usually tell the difference. I don't mean cute as in "Oh look! A puppy looking mildly perturbed!" but cute in the American way of "That skirt is really cute and unperturbed!"

As you'll see from the genius alligator, American designer Jac Zagoory has made these utterly brilliant pewter staple removers which I adore, but I'm damned if I can decide whether they're ahhmazing or just uhmazing and a bit creepy.
Let's go straight into the creepy - no donkey looking that surprised should have teeth like that, it's wonderfully vampirish.
 The lion though, definite winner. Look at its look of fierce concentration! And purest pride from having such excellent fangs.
I don't care what you say about this shark, this is cute and also hilarious. For serious selachian stationery enthusiasts, you can get a shark stapler as well.
 A fairly uniform "aye" on the creepy vote for the snake, but of all the animals chosen, it best suits the fangs. I also love the detail on the scales and the etching of the eyes. Brilliant.
The T-rex skull is similarly brilliant in detail - all the flecking on the back of the skull is brilliant. Definitely cute. The staple removers are $78 from the Jac Zagoory website, or you can pick one up for around £55 including postage on eBay.

Now for the two that are so incredibly creepy I'm just going to leave you here while I cover my eyes and run. 


  1. This made our morning here at Jac Zagoory Designs studio. This was one of the more enjoyable write ups we have ever had. Thank you so much for this. We are linking to your blog for all our fans to read this. I will say your writing is ahhmazing.

  2. I really like the hippo! He's not creepy, he's cute.


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