Monday 4 November 2013

Etsy Pick: Pomber Animal Gloves

Argh! Fox gloves! So cute! My mum used to tell me that fingerless gloves kept your hands warmer than normal gloves, which I'm certain was a fib but I will concede that they're excellent for typing in cold offices. My gloves when I was a kid definitely didn't look as cute as these fox gloves from Etsy seller Pomber.

More fox gloves! I really like these, they're like foxy ninjas. They have cunning eyes, I wouldn't trust them.

Not into fingerless? There are also animal mittens, but they're not all quite as cute. Except for these bears, who look like they're waving at you. Hello little bears!

Argh! Koala gloves! With pom pom ears! It's too much. I can't stand this level of cute.

Argh! Owl gloves! They look so sleepy and happy and their little ear tufts are gorgeous.

Panda gloves! I love that their eyes are a little wonky.

Badger gloves! Perfect for eating mashed potato.

Reindeer gloves! These are definitely my favourite. They're all really well priced - especially since they're all handmade. Pairs start at £25. Pomber is actually based in Budapest, but Olivia offers free shipping on everything and your gloves should arrive in 3-7 working days. I want every single pair.

1 comment:

  1. I am def getting myself and boyfriend a pair of these, i can't decide which i love most- they will make him laugh so much :D


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