Tuesday 22 April 2014

Design Porn: Scarves of Joy

"Ooh, that geometric scarf is quite pretty."

That was a little snippet of conversation that I had in my head over Easter. Joy have absolutely outdone themselves with this scarf range. I really do like the idea of being wrapped up in a secret unicorn. Look, he comes in blue as well.

Even before you realise it's got a unicorn on it, that's a damn pretty scarf. I love a scarf in spring. They're ideal for this 'the sun is out yet I'm still freezing my tits off' weather.

It's a long-established fact that unicorns make even brilliant things better. Geometric patterns are also fab. Lovely bright blues are quite brilliant indeed. I've run out of boxes to tick.

If unicorns aren't really your bag then you've probably stumbled across this site by mistake maybe I can tempt you with this blue animal print scarf.

It's a giraffe! With a bird perched on his head!

I think I prefer him in red. He looks like he's going for a nap around your neck while you're stood waiting for the 472 bus.

Each wonderful scarf is £18 from Joy. I love them all and can't see them sticking around for long so if you want one, move quickly. I'll be running to my local Joy at the speed of a giraffe - that's around 35mph. Unicorns don't run very fast, they're too busy pissing about with rainbows and joy.

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