Tuesday 1 April 2014

Sluttishly Vegan: Sweet Potato Gnocchi

My gosh, ain't sweet potato grand? Don't get us wrong, we LOVE regular potatoes too, but sometimes you can't beat the glorious, orange delight that is a sweet potato. They're also bloody good for you. Since everyone should be able to have a love-affair with carby dishes, here's a recipe for gnocchi that's dairy, egg and gluten free for a simple, versatile supper.

The gnocchi themselves are super easy: it just takes a little while to roll them out and shape them, nothing a glass of wine can't help along.

You can add in whichever herbs or spices take your fancy, flash fry your gnocchi in coconut or your usual cooking oil, or serve with sauce. The possibilities are endless!

Dairy Free Sweet Potato Gnocchi (makes enough for three)
Preparation time: 50 mins
Cooking time: 2-3 mins
You will need:
For the gnocchi:
  • 4 sweet potatoes
  • 200g gram (chickpea) flour
  • Sea salt
  • Freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 tsp ground sage (optional)
Make it!
  1. Preheat the oven to 200C / 400F / Gas Mark 6.
  2. Prick a few holes in the potatoes with a fork and bake in the oven for around 40 minutes until soft. (If you're super hungry and lazy, you can microwave them for 5 minutes per side.)
  3. Leave to cool for a few minutes, then slice open and scoop out the potato flesh into a bowl.
  4. Use a hand blender or similar to blitz the pulp until smooth. (You can also mash with a fork or masher, just pay attention to any potential lumps).
  5. Stir in the seasoning and herbs / spices. 
  6. Add the flour a quarter at a time. You're aiming for a smooth dough, but some sweet potatoes can vary in how sticky they are. The more flour you add, the denser the gnocchi will be, so test out a small piece by rolling it between lightly floured hands to make sure you add just enough.
  7. Scoop out a big tablespoon full of the dough and roll on a floured surface into a foot long rope, about 1 inch thick, then slice into even pieces with a sharp knife. Lightly press a fork into the surface to create the little indentations.
  8. Place on a lightly floured plate until ready to cook.
  9. Bring a large pan of salted water to the boil.
  10. Drop the gnocchi in, and simmer for around 2 minutes. 
  11. I served mine tossed in some olive oil, lemon zest and crushed garlic that I'd heated in a pan, along with a good handful of rocket and some freshly ground salt and pepper. 


  1. can you use normal flour? If so which one would you use? or is chickpea flour essential? It's just quite tricky to get hold of. Great post! I love sweet potato and gnocchi so I cannot wait to try the two combined!
    Ells x

    1. Hi Ells, plain flour would be fine! Just pay attention to how much you're using as it will behave differently to gram flour: you may need a little less.

  2. I was SO excited about these – and they was SUCH a massive failure. They tasted like wallpaper paste.... Wasted 2 hours making a special dinner for my love. What a let down.


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