Tuesday 8 July 2014

Sluttishly Vegetarian: Wild Mushroom 'Calamari'

I don't normally buy mushrooms but I found this VERY exciting looking box of mixed wild mushrooms in a store in Peckham the other day and ran home with it, giggling.

I made a really quite disgusting miso broth thing, and used some in that. Horrible it was. The mushrooms went all soggy and slimy. So to counteract this disastrous happening I wanted something quick and crunchy. Then a bag of matzo meal fell on my head from the cupboard, like a sign from God.

I've called them calamari because not only do they look like calamari, but they actually taste like calamari too - you've got that crispy tentacle thing going on. You could do this with normal mushrooms I guess, but the weirder enoki ones create the more surface area, and therefore more crunch.  I assume we all like crunch? The seasoning is important, I sprinkled them with lots of sea salt, chilli flakes. Good result. Feel particularly proud that I haven't made any 'fun-guy' refs. in this post btw.

Wild Mushroom Calamari (makes a nice plateful for two to share)
Preparation Time: 5 mins
Cooking Time: 10 mins

You will need:
  • a box of mixed wild mushrooms
  • milk
  • matzo meal (or very fine breadcrumbs)
  • oil for frying
For the seasoning:
  • lemon
  • dried chilli flakes
  • sea salt and black pepper
Make it!
  1. Dip the mushrooms in milk.
  2. Roll them in matzo meal.
  3. Heat about half an inch of oil in a heavy based pan and fry until golden. Sit on kitchen towel to soak up the access oil. 
  4. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and serve with lemon juice and chilli flakes.


  1. Alice, I love the image of you running through the streets of London, clutching a box of mushrooms and giggling.

  2. This. In my face. Alice, I've got some panko would they work? I bought a box on a whim and they need using.

    1. Should do Siany, but I'd bash it up a little so they're slightly finer. Any fine breadcrumbs would work x


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