Yes...It's a Mr T Towel. Not only is it 80s-tastic it's also ironic too - much like the fabulous Rubik's cube salt and pepper shakers we featured a while back..
We all know that Mr T also had a penchant for a subtle touch of the jewels himself, so just for today I'm making Mr T an honorary Domestic Slut. But just for today mind. We have the brilliant people over at To Dry For to thank for this stroke of brilliance.
Go see them - they make tea towels that make the world a better place.
Oh yes! I have and love this tea-towel. I can't believe that I can covet tea-towels as much as I do but I am thinking about buying a few more of my Mr T. Towel as it is already starting to wear out and I don't want to not own one. I am a class A nerd.