Friday, 4 September 2009

Design Porn: V&A Jewellery range is an instant classic

I don't use the phrase instant 'instant classic' lightly. But in the case of these V&A brooches, I'm more than happy to. Just look at that brooch. Such a pretty silhouette. Elegant, but still fun. And the colours are really unique. They're just muted enough to stop the brooch looking childlike. It also reminds me of a photo of Domestic Slut Alex, and she's very pretty indeed.

The fact that these brooches are only £12 amazes me. They've just become available in the V&A shop, so go and pick you favourite colour and snap one up.


  1. The resemblance is uncanny! So I'll obviously have to buy it.

  2. Yes you will! You could pin it to your hat!


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