Tuesday 15 March 2011

Baking and Buying: Cakes for Japan

I love a Bring and Buy sale. I love one even more if the Bring part has already been done for us (and is delicious), and the Buy is for a really good cause.

Hurrah then for The Mad Artists' Tea Party's Cakes for Japan, a sale of all things cakey, biscuity and mouthwatering-y made by hobby and professional bakers alike to raise money for The Red Cross to help support those affected by the Japan earthquake and tsunami.

As well as the original London event, which takes place at Maiden in Shoreditch on Friday from 11am-7pm, a fledgling Edinburgh event has been set up for the same Friday, 11am, Quaker House, Victoria Terrace. If you'd like to offer up your Scots-based baking skills, or find out more, contact @deeltsy on Twitter.

The London line-up has some serious baking superstars ready to provide the capital's slavering hordes with sugary goods. I'm especially looking forward to...

- Liberty London Girl's jasmine tea cupcakes
- Treats from Great British Bake Off winner Edd Kimber
- Cakings' sushi cakes

- Beautiful cherry blossom painted cookies
- Pacman gingerbread!
- And Emma Rice's panda cookies. Cuteness!

Plus vegan cupcakes, brownies and so much sugar you won't know what to do with yourself. Hurrah!

If you would like to organise a spin-off CfJ event in your neighbourhood, or contribute a sushi or Japanese-themed cake, or even napkins, cutlery and cake boxes to Cakes for Japan's London event, contact Miss Cakehead. If you would like to help gently roll me home after I've visited same, that would also be terrific.


  1. Oh! Would someone like to arrange one of these in Bristol?

  2. Take the bull by the horns stripynails! Drop Miss Cakehead a line.


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