Monday 7 March 2011

Baking for Beginners: Mexican Chocadoodles

Here at Domestic Sluttery we're all about the sweet and spicy, from bacon biscuits to stilton cheesecake. Sugar and spice and all things nice: that's what Domestic Sluts are made of. This recipe for Mexican chocadoodles looks just like a normal biscuit recipe until it casually slips in a mention of cayenne pepper. But don't panic - the cayenne gives you the warmth you get from gingersnaps rather than the intense burn of chilli.

Mexican Chocadoodles (makes about 16)
Adapted from Cookie Madness

You will need:
  • 140g self-raising flour
  • 30g cocoa powder
  • 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 115g unsalted butter
  • 170g caster sugar
  • 1/4 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 2 tbsp granulated sugar
Make it!
  1. Preheat the oven to 200C. Line a baking sheet with greaseproof paper.
  2. Sift the flour, cocoa, salt and cayenne into a bowl and set aside.
  3. Cream together the butter and sugar, with an electric mixer if you have one (prepare for aching arm muscles if not). Add the vanilla and egg and beat until combined. Gradually stir in the flour mixture. Chill the dough if it needs firming up or if you're going to be baking the biscuits later.
  4. Mix the cinnamon and granulated sugar on a small plate. Scoop up a tablespoon of the chocadoodle mixture and make 1 inch balls with it. Roll them in the cinnamon sugar.
  5. Space the cookies about 3 inches apart on the baking sheet and bake for 10 minutes or until they start to crack. They will look worryingly undercooked when you take them out but firm up very fast. If the edges are firm, they're ready. Have faith!
  6. Leave them on the sheet for about 5 minutes, then transfer to a cooling rack.
I might try stirring some chipotle into the mix next time to add some smokiness. I think they'd be great at the end of a Mexican meal, or as a slightly unusual foodie gift for a slightly unusual foodie friend.


  1. Chocadoodles are my most favourite biscuit. I dare not make them, the kids and I will eat them before they get cold. I wish you had not posted this I will be thinking about them all afternoon .......surreptitiously sneaks into kitchen to check she has all the ingredients!!!

  2. I feel some baking coming on...

  3. Get baking! I usually can't be faffed with making biscuits, but these are worth the effort. I brought them into work and they're the first bit of baking that my colleagues have demanded the recipe for.

  4. I think there's a little typo ladies - 'caster salt'? I fear I should have kept the caster sugar out because now I have to cream it with the butter and instead it's all mixed up with my flour....oops.

  5. Sorry Kate, that should have just read 'salt'. All fixed now. Did you manage to rescue your biscuits?

  6. Just made these - delish! Though they're most definitely not crunchy, and I couldn't have left them in for any longer without setting my smoke alarm off... I don't know what I've done wrong!

  7. If cookies don't go crunchy it's usually because they've got a lot of sugar in - that's how you get them all gooey in the middle.

    Still, at least they tasted yummy!

  8. Becca - they're more crisp than crunchy, so I think my choice of adjective is to blame, not your cooking skills! Glad you liked them.


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