Tuesday 8 March 2011

Clock Me: Chalkboard Pop Quiz Clock

Whether your school days are two or twenty years behind you, whether you were a straight-A swot or a rebel girl who spent break times out of the teachers' sight, smoking and smooching unsuitables, one thing most of us will agree on is that surprise pop quizzes were never fun. Until now.

This brand new chalkboard clock is printed with all sorts of complicated-looking sums, but before you start thinking that you'll have to dig out your old textbook to tell the time, take a closer look. The answer to each mathematical equation relates its position on the clock's face (so, for example, the square root of sixty-four sits where eight should be).

Think the designers deserve a gold star? It's £29.99 from Firebox.

1 comment:

  1. Pretty and clever, yes, but it still leaves me in a cold sweat knowing I never could, and never will be able to do any of those... But hell, nothing like being reminded of your own mathematical inadequacy throughout the day!



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