Tuesday 1 March 2011

Cocktail Hour: Broadland Elderflower Wine

I’ve tried to love gin and tonic. It’s such a ladies drink. But try as I might, I can’t help wrinkling up my nose at the bitterness of the tonic, and feel less than comfy as the bubbles hit the back of my throat. I’ve never been a fizzy kind of girl.

Enter Broadland Elderflower wine from Belgars. Clean, fresh, and perfect at the end of hard day, plus at only 10% abv it’s the perfect accompaniment to a measure of gin (and it just doesn’t feel right without a couple of ice cubes clinking around inside the glass.) The fragrant gin blends effortlessly with the delicate floral notes of the wine, and boom - you feel sophisticated and refreshed, plus you get the added bonus of a little extra sauce in your pre-dinner tipple. You can mix one part gin with three parts elderflower for a tasty alternative to a G 'n' T. Perfect, especially at only a fiver a bottle.

The only down-side is the bottle doesn’t keep for very long, so you’d have to make sure you keep up your gin habit over a few days. Or find a few elderflower-loving friends to toast the weekend with.

This was a post by our trainee Domestic Slut Laura Vickers.


  1. You don't like gin and tonic? Give us your Sluttery badge back now...

  2. I had an Elderflower Martini at the weekend. Heaven :-) xx

  3. That sounds lovely. I love a G&T, but my friends call it 'mascara thinner' because it does tend to result in a day of weeping.

  4. Haha, Sara - see, yet another downside to G&T! Plus I just think tonic is bleeeeurgh.
    Elderflower is *much* yummier, anyway. :) Although not as nice without the gin...

  5. You have NO idea how happy this makes me - I can't stand tonic, and my flatmate gives me evil motherly looks whenever I drink gin neat... I can't wait to try this! xxx


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