Thursday 17 March 2011

Cocktail Hour: Mini Guinness

I must confess I am not a massive fan of Guinness. I can usually be tempted by a pint of Black Velvet because, lets face it, most things taste better when mixed with champagne.

But even better is a shot of Mini Guinness, which in fairness has no actual Guinness involved, earning
its moniker by virtue of the fact that it looks just like a wee version of a pint of the black stuff.

Mini Guinness

You will need:
  • Kahlua Coffee Liqueur
  • Irish Cream Liqueur

Shake It!

Pour some Kahlua into your shot glass, leaving enough room for your 'head'. Float the Baileys on top of the Kahlua by gently pouring it over the back of a spoon. Drink your shot down in one. Sláinte!

Flickr image from Ben Sutherland and used under Creative Commons license.


  1. Its moniker not it's. *forcibly smacks down inner proofreader*

    Looks yummy! I can also recommend the Nutty Irishman - Baileys and Amaretto. Noms.

  2. These are wickedly, deliciously, moreish! I approve!

  3. OR: Tia Maria and Baileys. My Mum went to heaven when she tried one of these - delish!


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