Tuesday 15 March 2011

Diner Style

As Sara has whipped up a tasty popcorn recipe today, I thought I'd take the whole American thing that little bit further. American diners seem like wonderful places. So wonderful I'd be tempted to turn my kitchen into one.

Diner stools! I must have them immediately. Actually, I also want diner booth chairs from Just Retro too. The chairs are £180 each, but just a couple of them will have you wanting to drink milkshakes and sing showtunes from Grease.

We've already got excited about the hamburger phone (it reminds me of the one in Home & Away, which I haven't watched since I was a teenager, honest), but Urban Outfitters have a burger egg timer too. It's only £6.

I've always wanted a squeezy tomato ketchup bottle. I have no idea why. Just really really want one. This one is £3.99 from Utility.

Need something to put your recently made popcorn in while you're watching films? Don't stick with boring ol' bowls. Pick up some of these popcorn bags instead. They're £2 for eight from Amazon.


  1. I have a thing about diners. And sitting in booths. It makes me happy, especially when thick chocolate milkshake is involved.

  2. THOSE STOOLS ARE AMAZING! I want them in my imaginary future house!

  3. Me too! Actually, I want a kitchen with a 'breakfast bar', just so I can buy them. Totally reasonable.

  4. Yeah! And a big 50s-style neon light above the counter.


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