Wednesday 16 March 2011

Ludicrous lighting: Solvinden decorative lights from IKEA

Perhaps they're trying to make amends for all the fights that have started while visiting their stores, but IKEA seem to be doing their best to cheer us all up at the moment. First the sunshine duvet to get us up with a smile and now the Solvinden lighting to see us through our darkest hours.

The lighting consists of plastic light up tubing that's been twisted into some weird and wonderful shapes. A light-up outline of a cactus? It's what my back yard has always been missing. That, and a pretty flamingo to add a touch of class to my shrubbery. And, in time for Easter, a cute bunny too. What I like best is that while they're sold in a set of all three designs, there's no logical reason on this earth why a flamingo, a bunny and a cactus should ever meet. My mind boggles at exactly what inspired IKEA to put together this strange grouping: it's like a strange student prank that's gone cutely awry. More logically, they cost just £19.39, a price guaranteed to put a smile on your face and, even cheerier, there's no need to worry about your electricity bill reaching Vegas standards as each light comes with its own solar panel.

There is some bad news though, they're only available in-store, so you'll have to brave a visit to your nearest IKEA to pick up a set. My survival advice is go quickly, go prepared and keep thinking about all the fun you'll have explaining away a light-up flamingo to your neighbours.


  1. Oh my god. I need these. And I thought I was the only person in the world you loathed Ikea. Everyone I know seems to love going... I felt so alone...until now.

  2. I need a light up pink (I really hope it's pink) flamingo and I need one now. I've no idea where it's going to go but it's even worth a trip to Ikea to get it.

    Hannah- I used to love pottering around Ikea until the day we actually had to go for a particular item and then it morphed into Hell for some reason.


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