Thursday 24 March 2011

Perfect Prints: Forest Lucero

If I ignore the American spelling of 'colours' in the typographical print, it's one of the most romantic things I've seen. But, Forest Lucero is Californian, so it's understandable.

"I think of you in colours that don't exist."

That's a very beautiful sentiment, isn't it? What colours? Imaginary ones? Colours that haven't been thought up yet? Colours that don't exist. They're the very best colours, I'm sure of it.

Best of all, this simple but eye-catching print is only £35. Excellent value given that Urban Outfitters can err on the pricey side when it comes to their artwork.

I'm off to buy this, and think of some imaginary colours.

1 comment:

  1. looks totally normal to me; what's to ignore? :-)

    -A Rhode Islander.


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