Tuesday 1 March 2011

Shoe Porn: Floral Office Courts

When I look at floral shoes, I tend to think of Karen Millen. This wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing, but it's all a little matchy-matchy, isn't it? And once you've matched the bag to the shoes, you really don't need a cocktail dress in the same fabric.

But when I spied these floral court shoes (£68) on the Office website, I realised how pretty they can be. Especially when I can be absolutely sure there isn't a dress in matching fabric. The platform works, the pale colours are perfect for spring and the round toe is very cute indeed.

I won't wear these with florals, but I'd wear them with just about everything else. Maybe even with stripes, just so there's no danger of being matchy-matchy.

What do you think? Are floral shoes too twee, or perfect for spring?


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