Thursday 3 March 2011

Sluttishly Vegetarian: Mixed Vegetable Egg White Omelette

After a fairly heavy weekend of gourmet eats (tough life), my chap and I were feeling in need of something light for supper. Egg white omelettes aren't noticeably smaller than whole egg ones, but they glow with a smug halo of Gwyneth Paltrow-approved healthiness, giving you a wallop of protein without all the fat.

They're absolutely delicious and very easy to do properly, and the good thing about using veg is you can use absolutely tons, eat it all, and not feel as guilty as if it was...ooh...say 1kg of Chateaubriand? Last Friday night? Grooo...

  • Three eggs, separated
  • Cooking oil spray
  • Veg of your choice
  • Pepper
  • Condiments to suit
  1. Heat up a large frying pan, and dry fry your vegetables on a low to medium heat until they've softened into glorious tastitude. I went for a vast amount of asparagus, cherry tomatoes and mushrooms. Why have veg, when you can have ALL the veg?
  2. Briskly whisk your egg whites with a fork until they're mixed up and looking cheerful and bubbly. Add a good few turns of ground black pepper.
  3. Heat a small, non-stick frying pan on a low heat and add 10 sprays of cooking oil all over. Pour your egg whites into the pan. It will immediately start to catch, so use a non-metallic spatula to move the mixture around the pan, then move the pan around so the uncooked mixture fills the gaps. Once it starts to set properly, pour in your hot vegetables and cook for a minute or two more.
  4. Run the spatula underneath the omelette to make sure it's free of the pan, and shake it down the side a little before flipping it neatly in half. Pop on a plate and enjoy a guilt-free, tasty as all hell supper. Yum!


  1. Sounds lovely!

    Have any of the sluts got any recipes for egg yolks? I have a freezer full of 12 egg yolks left over from meringue making and don't know what to do with them...

    Ta :)

  2. The 'deep frying' of vegetables doesn't sound all that healthy...

  3. Not entirely sure that I'd call that deep frying, Ruth?

    (Other) Ruth, chocolate mousse recipe would get rid of your eggs, and a traditional tarte au citron filling as well.

  4. Mmm. Veggie omelettes are great. I used to have them after gyming (Although, with yolks and extras, I figured I needed the fat!)

    Omelettes are also great with a bit of spinach thrown in near the end. And a wee bit of pesto.

    (and loads of cheese...? No. No. Not if we're behaving).

  5. Did you misread 'dry fry', Ruth?

    This sounds delicious, and that lovely healthy picture has convinced me to give it a go.

  6. Looks yummy!!! mmmm rumble rumble

  7. Put the yolks into homemade pastry or cakes :)

  8. Ha! Dry frying is literally chucking everything in a pan and cooking without oil. Mmmm, crunchily delicious.

    My boyfriend was very keen on us doing steak tartare with the remaining egg yolks. I had to point out that it was steak that got us into this healthy remedy mess in the first place ;)

  9. Think I'll make custard with the remaining egg yolks!


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