Friday 18 March 2011

Stamp of approval: Marga Marina

Sometimes it's simplest things that are the prettiest. Just take a look at the work of Marga Marina on DaWanda. While this talented German lady creates great greeting cards and some snazzy brooches, it's her rubber stamps that I really love. Carved into simple but charming shapes, think how these stamps could brighten up a letter, or even a humble post-it note. There's not too much to say about these - instead sit back and admire the cuteness. Oh, and try and pick a favourite. I've narrowed it down to four from her current collection of just under 30 stamps.

She should certainly take a bow for this Ribbons stamp.

This Acorn stamp definitely gets the oaky okay.

While I'm dotty over this Ladybird stamp...

... perhaps it's this one that's the apple of my eye?

Forget trying to chose, I love them all! And at only €1.95 per stamp (though don't forget your postage costs!) I can afford not to pick a favourite. Come stamp with me...

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