Wednesday 16 March 2011

Wallpaper Wednesday: Scrapwood at Bodie & Fou

Yep, that's actually wallpaper. It's not pieces of scrapwood all lined up. It's from Bodie & Fou and actually I really like it. I'm just not sure where I'd put it. It's a bit like bringing the outside in, isn't it? All very beachy, but perhaps not right for every house.

The nifty thing about this paper is that you actually paste the wall, rather than the paper, meaning that it's so much easier to put up. That's genius. Why don't more all wallpapers give you that option? I'm pretty sure more people would get their wallpaper on if there wasn't the faff with tables and paste getting everywhere. Always ends up in your hair.

This scrapwood wallpaper by designer Piet Hein Eek is £145 a roll though. I love it, but I have no idea where I'd put it.

1 comment:

  1. You paste the wall???
    None of that tedious folding and booking...
    Or dipping into troughs of water like with the pre-pasted stuff.
    This is good news!
    I may get into papering again! I like this pattern... maybe in the family room. Will check their other designs.


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