Friday 1 April 2011

Design Porn: Luki Huber Lemon Press

I love this nifty little lemon press by Luki Huber, a Swiss designer who lives in Spain and has collaborated with all sorts of people including the lofty gastronomic types at El Bulli.

This is perfect for making sure you get just the right amount of juice out of your lemon. It would come in pretty handy for lemon drizzle cake, lemon yoghurt cake or gingerbread cake with lemon glaze. You could even use it for something healthy, but we won't worry about that.

Just stick half a lemon in the top and SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZE!
No more pips in your food or (worse) lemon juice in your eye. Plus it helps to keep the lemon fresh until you want to squeeze it again.

The Luki Huber Lemon Press costs £7.25 from the Design Museum Shop.

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