Tuesday 28 June 2011

Sluttishly Vegetarian: Mushroom Pate

When I moved from central Brighton out to the cliffs, I didn’t expect to get, well, unexpected visitors anymore. But, to my delight, two of my lovely friends stopped off after an epic Brighton to The Seven Sisters bike ride the other day.

After a 35-mile round trip, it was the least I could do to rustle them up something to accompany their well-earned (and very large) glasses of wine. The best thing about this recipe is how quick it is; mushroom pate can be devoured warm if you're in a rush (although ideally you should let it settle in the fridge for at least an hour), and is the perfect fridge-filler for the kids, too.

You’ll need:
  • 225g chestnut mushrooms
  • 450g crème fraiche
  • 3 small shallots
  • 1 tablespoon of butter
  • Clove of garlic
  • Chunk of parmesan
  • Smidge of nutmeg powder
  • Handful of thyme and another of parsley

Make it!
  • Finely chop the shallots and garlic and lightly fry in the butter. Wash and chop the mushrooms and add them to the pan. Fry until the mushrooms begin to shrink and release water.
  • Pop the mixture into your blender, add the crème fraiche, roughly chopped parsley and thyme, shaved parmesan and nutmeg powder. Blend roughly, making sure you retain a chunky texture. Pop into a ramekin and (if possible) leave to chill in the fridge for at least an hour.
  • Eat! Serve with cracked black pepper water biscuits or digestives, alongside a very large slice of Stilton and a humongous glass of wine!


  1. I'm very excited about this. I hate pate. I know everyone thinks it's awesome, but I'm not a fan of anything liver-based and the texture is weird.

    But, I do love mushrooms.

  2. Oh! OH OH OH!! This contains EVERYTHING THAT I LOVE!

  3. This sounds lovely - I'm definitely making this to have on hand in the fridge. Don't think it will last long though!

  4. A trillion months later I finally got around to making this last night! The flavours are utterly delicious, but next time I'd use less creme fraiche. It was a bit on the soupy side and I prefer a more chunksome pate. So keep an eye on what you're putting in!


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