Thursday, 25 August 2011

Ring, Ring: Retro-Style Telephones

I can't lie - ever since I bought myself an original rotary dial telephone (this one from ProtelX is almost identical to mine), I've been regularly inventing reasons to call people just so I can play with all the clicky, whirry goodness. Trust me, it never gets old. It does, however, take about half an hour to dial one number, and also doesn't work if I'm ringing a call-centre with touch-tone options. I like to think it's still worth it.

Here are my pick of the best retro-style phones out there - some more technology-friendly than others.

It's a well known fact* that if you have this phone on your desk, you are ace at fighting crime. This seems to have leapt out of some fifties detective drama, but still has some snazzy modern features to keep it functional. This little beauty is from Oliver Bonas, and is £49.50.

If you're a gadget geek like me, this sexy coral number should definitely press your buttons. Yes, it's got the funky retro shape, but it's cordless and also has a phonebook and answering machine. It's from Dwell, and I think it is worth the £99 price tag.

If you want a real statement phone, I don't think you can beat this patterned phone from Viva Fabric. It's a rotary dial just like mine, but I have to admit mine is not half as eye-catching. It's a tad pricey at £100 with £8 delivery on top of that, but they do them in various fabric designs, each one utterly gorgeous. Now all you need to do is call your friends and invite them to come and stare at its prettiness.

*Okay, it's not, but it should be.

1 comment:

  1. I do prefer the proper old style phone in black. It's very stylish indeed!


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