Monday, 28 November 2011

Sexy skirt sparkles

If you've been around these parts recently, you'll know by now that we've got a thing about sparkle and sequins. If it sparkles, I love it. Kat's already got a sparkly skirt that I'm insanely jealous of, and I've got a list of glittery dresses I want in my wardrobe. But then I saw this gold sequin skirt from Oasis and oh my goshness I want it. Yes, I want to spend eighty quid on sequins. I swear, they have magical powers that blind the rational part of my brain. Now I'm all "oooh shiny things" instead of "oooh, gas bill".

I'm fairly sure that if you were careful with the rest of your outfit you could wear this during the day. I'm a huge fan of the daytime sparkle. But you can only do it with good quality clobber - don't scrimp on sequins unless you want to be wearing tatty, colourless bits of plastic after three weeks.

Gas bill or pretty things. Gas bill or pretty things?


  1. There are no words to describe the love I am feeling for this. I'm a big fan of day sequins.

  2. I'd quite like her pins too. They're on my Christmas list.

  3. Pretty things, obvs. Gas bills are boring.


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