Monday, 19 December 2011

Get Creative: 3D Toy Calendars

It's nearly Christmas, you've spent all your money on presents (especially if you're going by my 'one for you, two for me' rule), you still need things to make your home more festive. Well, if you're even a tiny bit crafty, take a look at Scout Creative's Calendar of the Month Club.

It's not a very elite club - anyone can join for zero pence. They provide an ace paper craft pattern every month for you to print out and make.

This month's PDF is a 3D nutcracker.

January's Curiosity Yeti would make a frosty addition to your table decorations, or even your tree.

September's pattern isn't Christmassy in the least, but is a rather atmospheric shadow box.

Each one comes with a calendar and a separate cut-out to cover it with when the month's over. Rope in some bored younger relatives and have some fun on Boxing Day making a few. You've got another couple of days in the office to surreptitiously print some off on the work printer (and if my manager's reading, I would like to stress that I absolutely never EVER do that. Ahem).

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