Monday, 30 January 2012

Sites we love: Obsessionistas

Collections fascinate me. It doesn't matter what's being collected. It's the idea that someone might get so excited about something that they want everything related to it. I spent a large part of my childhood collecting postcards of Flamenco dancers embroidered with silk. We've got a section in the Domestic Sluttery book dedicated to displaying your collections. Collecting makes us happy.

That's why Obsessionistas is so lovely.

It gets my happy face on in the same way that Things Organized Neatly does. They're chats and interviews are carefully curated into a gorgeous website and it makes for very addictive viewing. I say viewing because it feels like you're in a little museum.

There's Emma's collection of vintage women's magazines.

Or this extensive collection of Delftware.

Jan has a gorgeous collection of Hermes scarves.

I love that I don't know what collection will be next. I love that it makes me want to collect something new each day. It's the perfect mix of interesting people and their quirks, and really really cool stuff to look at.


  1. Pleased that you like my magazines! Lots more pictures from them at my blog, but unfortunately, I'm nowhere near as organised as this makes it seem...! Emma x

  2. Collections are handy for that - one bit of your life is in order and it feels like the rest is!


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