Monday 27 February 2012

Isala Desk by Ikea

A lot of people have a love/hate relationship with Ikea. I love it, mainly because they seem to get the idea that people don't live in huge houses. I don't have a huge house and as such, much as I'd love one, I don't have the room for a little hideaway office of my own. I do though have a corner of a dining room which is handily just the right size for this desk.

It's quite nice for Ikea, don't you think? The drawer slides out to provide a shelf for you to put your laptop on and you can slide and lock it away again when you've finished looking at funny pictures of cats. I mean, working on Very Important Work. If I get myself some shelves and some good looking brackets, then I reckon I have the makings of a very useful space indeed which at the moment doesn't do anything except collect junk.

The desk is £149 and worth a trip I reckon. Especially as it means you can get some Daim bars too.


  1. Ikea don't sell Daim products any more. Or at least the Croydon store doesn't. It is a travesty.

  2. Loving the desk! Alas, I think I've run out of space in my flat... I need a bigger place so I can furnish it! And I will check if the Birmingham Ikea sells Daim bars next time I'm there ;-)

  3. Oh dear. Since when? I go to the Nottingham one. I think they had them last time I went though I was so full of meatballs that I didn't look for them....

  4. I wish I liked Ikea. Some of it's gorgeous, but I think you have to really go in for the whole Sweden and modern style to really make the most of it. I'm not a fan of the style, but I don't think many people are, it's just cheap and accessible. Sadly, if you don't have much money then Ikea is the easiest and cheapest option. I wish it was a design choice rather than a financial necessity.

    I miss The Pier.

  5. No more Daim anymore in Ikea :( I last went about a month ago and there were none there. Even worse no more Daim bar cake :( They have something that looks very similar but doesn't taste anything like it. Even thinking about it makes me sad :(

    1. That's the unkindest cut of all, no Daim cake :(

  6. Ah, The Pier! I'd forgotten about The Pier...


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