Friday 24 February 2012

Sluttishly Vegan: Roasted Red Pepper Houmous

Give me a loaf of crusty bread, some houmous and a glass (or three) of wine and I am one seriously happy lady.  Houmous is just so easy to make and if, like me, you eat so much of it that you have started thinking of it as a food group in itself, then a new twist on it is always good.

I have had a jar of roasted red peppers in my cupboard for so long now that I feel guilty whenever I see it.  I tried hiding it behind tins of beans but somehow it always managed to sneak its way back to the front, so today I gave in and threw the peppers in with the houmous mix. The result: houmous taken to another level! Why hadn't I done this ages ago?  The sweet chargrilled peppers work so beautifully with the earthy sesame flavour that I'm still kicking myself that it has taken me so long to try!

You'll need:
  • 1 can chickpeas
  • 1 jar roasted red peppers in oil (about 200g drained)
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • juice of 1 lemon
  • heaped tablespoon light tahini
  • pinch of ground cumin
  • small pinch dried chilli flakes (optional)
  • sea salt
  • pepper
  • sesame seeds to sprinkle (if you feel that way inclined!)

Make it!

This couldn't be easier, just pop everything in a processor and blend until smooth.  Add more tahini, lemon, seasoning etc to taste.  If you have the willpower then this really does benefit from being left for 30 minutes so that all the flavours can develop before you dive in with the crusty bread and scoff the lot!

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