Friday 4 May 2012

The Boy and his Poison: The East Eight Hold Up

We've got classic Cinco De Mayo cocktails well, and truly covered here at Domestic Sluttery so I thought I'd give you something different to end the week on. A cocktail that manages to combine ingredients like sugary pineapple juice, bitter-sweet Aperol, tangy passion fruit and Friday-blues-destroying vodka is a little like one of those friends you have to keep on your social roster. They're there come rain or shine and can be brought out at a moments notice to impress or console.

One such drink that I found on Wednesday is the East Eight Hold Up. A modern drink with vintage sensibilities this was borrowed from a recent trip to Milk and Honey. Served in a sturdy old Fashioned glass full of ice, it's the perfect way to start, maintain and/or end the lovely bank holiday ahead.

You'll need:
  • 50ml vodka (I used Russian Standard)
  • 25ml pineapple juice
  • 1tbsp Aperol (although it would work with Campari)
  • 1tbsp lime juice
  • 1tsp of passion fruit juice (delicious but not essential)
  • Lime wedge
Make it: 
  • Add all the ingredients to an ice filled shaker
  • Shake for 10-15 seconds
  • Strain into an ice filled old-fashioned glass
  • Garnish with a lime wedge

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