Wednesday 16 May 2012

Charlotte Farmer's Walkman and Mixtapes

Do you remember when music came on tapes? Do you remember recording the Top 40? Do you remember when the Top 40 actually meant something?! I do, and I really miss it. So does Charlotte Farmer.

Once upon a time, having a Walkman was cool. I had one that was bright yellow and had a little tennis computer game built into the front (that was not as cool as I thought it was, kids laughed at me). I loved taking one tape with you and crossing your fingers that your batteries wouldn't die. Batteries were a rare commodity for a kid, you got told off when you stole them from the remote control.

Obviously if you've got the Walkman print, you need something to put in it. Of all of the mixtape paraphernalia we've featured (there's been a lot), this is my favourite. I like the scratchy mixtape print, it's not unlike the scratchy scratchy sounds of 2Unlimited after you'd listen to the tape over and over again.

You can buy Charlotte Farmer's prints exclusively from Found in Bath. Prices start at £45 unframed. I want both.

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